Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Bachelor in Law


4 years






daytime and post-work






4 years






daytime and post-work






  • Recognised prestige of the Law degree in the exercise of the various legal professions
  • Solid technical and scientific training in substantive and procedural law, essential for access to the legal professions
  • A teaching body comprising prestigious academics and highly regarded professionals to associate theoretical and scientific knowledge with the reality of the various legal professions

The Law Degree aims to provide the graduated a consolidated legal training  characterized by the coordination of the  theoretical approach of the various curricular units belonging to the Legal Science with the  practical demands arising from the reality.

In order to achieve this purpose,  the capacity and the power of argument will be developed, stressing the importance of enhancing the critical thinking in particular with regard to legislation and jurisprudence, through a permanent and open  intellectual dialogue  with  the doctrine, supported by the  improvement of research  habits and selection of revenant information for the training, recommending the adoption by the students of independent learning methods throughout life.

Why Choose this course?

The Degree in Law provides a wide and robust training in substantive and procedural law, characterized by permanent interconnection between the theoretical and practical approach of the syllabus

The academic staff, composed by distinguished and renowned scholars and acclaimed professionals, combines the theoretical and scientific expertise with the knowledge of the reality of the different legal careers.

The degree program also aims at raising the graduated awareness for permanent specialized training, alerting the student to the increasing development, within the Legal Science, of new areas that require specific skills and knowledge and in some cases the coordination with some other scientific fields

Seminars and conferences on several and contemporary topics will be regularly organized. Thus, it enhances legal training offered and enables the dialogue with personalities of the highest level in the national and foreign legal universe.

In order to promote student integration into the labor market, practicums in law firms and other organizations will be provided.

The internationalization, a constant concern of students and qualified people, will be achieved through the Erasmus Program and the Institute for Legal Research, the research center of the Department of Law.

Career Prospects

The Law Degree aims at preparing students to exercise different functions linked to the area of Law, namely Judicial and Public Ministry Magistrates, Law Practice, Registries and Notary, Public Administration, Diplomatic Career, Academic Career or incorporation into the Technical and Managerial Staff of Companies, as well as Litigation in Public and Private Companies.

Some Career Prospects

Inspector of the SEF/ Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras




Political Scientist – Politician

Lawyer – Intellectual Property Specialist

Specialist Private Equity Lawyer

Criminal Judge

Tax Consultant

University Professor

Inspector of the Judicial Police

The Degree in Law aims to provide Portucalense University graduated a significant theoretical knowledge in law, enabling the student to identify and understand the main principles of the legal system, without neglecting the acquisition of skills necessary for the practical application of theoretical knowledge taught. The Portucalense University graduated will be able to practice any of the career opportunities to which legal training is relevant. The Portucalense University graduated will be able to reach a competitive position in the labor market owing to the scientific and technical quality of the provided legal training; To answer to the increasing specialization of job market and the challenges of new law branches, Portucalense University graduated will be able to successfully pursue further professional legal training, which can be developed through the 2nd cycle and acquire specific skills in specialized training as well
Diploma or Certificate Awarded

The present diploma confers the qualification in the Bachelor of Law.

Continuing Education Courses

[non-degree courses]

[non-degree courses]

Scientific Areas

It is organised into 8 semesters, each corresponding to 30 ECTS, equivalent to 840 hours of student work, which makes a total of 240 ECTS credits in the following scientific areas:

Scientific Area Compulsory ECTS Optional ECTS
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Health and Life Sciences
Study Plan

The lines of research are developed in IJP – Institute for Legal Research, the research center of the Department of Law.

IJP has been accredited in the evaluation of the FCT and the European Foundation for Science (ESF). IJP is considered a vital element of economic and cultural development of the city of Porto.

The IJP favors an integrated and empirical approach to scientific research in Law, with an international and multidisciplinary team.

Sónia Carvalho

Coordinator of the Bachelor of Law

DL/ Departament of Law

Bachelor of Law

Price List
Applications + Registration + Enrolment + Insurance
Application 192€
exempt for former students (with a degree programme completed at UPT)
Enrolment 353€
single act per course
School Insurance 36€


September fee waived on enrolment
February 203€


192,00 €

Enrolment (single act per course)

353,00 €


36,00 €



Exemption for the year of registration**


203,00 €

Annual Payment Plan
Single Payment 4249.07€


Monthly Payment 398.30€
11 instalments (September to July)

Tuition Fee (for 60 ECTS)

11 instalments (September to July)


398,30 €

3% discount September


4.249,07 €

Six-month payment plan
Single Payment 2146.44€
(2% discount September or February)


Monthly payment 438.30€
September to January or February to June

Tuition Fee (for 30 ECTS)

5 instalments (September to January or February to June)


438,30 €

2% discount September or February


2.146,44 €

Curriculum Part - Monthly Tuition (5 months)
Ammount per ETCS 14.61€
Minimum compulsory fee (10 ECTS) 146.10€

Amount per ECTS

14,61 €

Minimum compulsory fee (10 ECTS)


146,10 €

International Students (1st year)
Application 192€

Courses in portuguese

Registration 353.00€
Enrolment 203.00€
Annual Fee 4249.07€

Courses in english

Annual Fee 5400.00€


192,00 €

Portuguese Courses


353,00 €


203,00 €

Annual Fee

4.249,07 €

English Courses

Annual Fee

5.400,00 €

Admission Exams

Holders of Portuguese secondary school diplomas who have passed one of the following national exams may apply for the UPT Law Bachelor’s Degree through the Institutional Admissions System:

  • Geography or
  • History or
  • Portuguese

Calculation of the access mark

  • 65% of the High School Examination grade
  • 35% of the entrance exams grade


General Conditions for Application

First time entry to a Bachelor Degree

Calendar 2024/2025
1st Intake Beginning End
Application to the 1st Intake
17th June
26th July
Results Display
31st July
31st July
1st August
Registration and enrolment
2nd August
9th August
2nd Intake (Remaining Vacancies) Beginning End
Application to the 2nd Intake
1st August
16th August
Results Display
21st August
21st August
22nd August
Registrations and Enrolments
23rd August
30th August
3rd Intake (Remaining Vacancies) Beginning End
Application to the 3rd Intake
22nd August
6th September
Results Display
11th September
11th September
12th September
Registrations and Enrolments
13th September
20th September
General Conditions for Application
  1.  To hold a secondary education course, or legally equivalent qualification;
  2. To have, in the current year, or have taken, in the last two years, the national exams corresponding to the entrance examinations required for the different courses to which they will apply, and have obtained in those exams a classification equal to or higher than the minimum classification established;
Entrance Examinations
Bachelor in InformaticsMathematics A or Mathematics A and Physics and Chemistry
Bachelor in Information Systems applied to ManagementMathematics (16) or Economics (04)
Bachelor in EconomicsMathematics A or Mathematics A and Economics or Mathematics A and Portuguese
Bachelor in ManagementEconomics or Portuguese or Mathematics
Bachelor in LawPortuguese or History or Geography
Bachelor in International RelationsPortuguese or History or English
Bachelor in Law for SolicitorsPortuguese or History or Economics
Bachelor in Social EducationHistory or Geography or Portuguese
Bachelor in PsychologyHistory or Geography or Portuguese
Bachelor in Hospitality ManagementEconomics or Portuguese or Mathematics
Bachelor in TourismPortuguese or Geography or Economics
Bachelor in Computer EngineeringMathematics A or Mathematics A and Physics and Chemistry or Mathematics A and Portuguese
Bachelor in MarketingEconomics, Portuguese or Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences
Bachelor in Engineering and Industrial ManagementPhysics and Chemistry and Mathematics A
Documents for Application
  1. application form, duly filled in
  2. identification document;
  3. recent photograph;
  4. original or certified copy of the ENES form
Calculation of Candidacy Score

The application grade is a classification on a scale from 0 to 200, the result is rounded to one decimal place.

Candidature mark = (secondary school classification x 0.65) + (entrance exam classification x 0.35) – if an entrance exam is required


Candidature mark = (secondary school classification x 0.60) + (entrance exam1 classification x 0.20) + (entrance exam2 classification x 0.20) – if two entrance exams are required

Students in non-Portuguese courses legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education
For students who hold non-Portuguese courses that are legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education, the entrance examinations may be replaced by final examinations of subjects from those courses, under the terms of article 20-A of Decree-Law no. 296-A/98, of 25 September, in its wording updated by Decree-Law no. 90/2008, of 30 May. Further Information Candidates who wish to substitute the entrance examinations by final examinations of non-Portuguese courses that are legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education courses, must submit, at the time of their application, the following documents:
  1. Application on a form to be established by the Director-General of Higher Education, requesting the application of the regime established by article 20-A of Decree-Law no. 296 -A/98, indicating the institution/course pairs and the entrance examinations to be covered by such application; see information here.
  2. Documentary evidence of the title of the non-Portuguese secondary education course indicating
    1. The final classification of that course;
    2. The marks obtained in the examinations of the subjects of that course that they wish to substitute the entrance examinations;
  3. Document proving the equivalence of the course mentioned in paragraph 2) above to a Portuguese secondary education course, issued by the authority legally competent for the attribution of the equivalence, including the final classification of the course.
The documents mentioned in item 2) above must
    1. Be issued by the education authorities of the country of origin, even in the case of qualifications obtained in foreign schools in Portugal;
    2. Be authenticated by the official education services of the respective country and recognised by the Portuguese diplomatic or consular authority, or carry the Hague Convention Apostille. The same should apply to translations of documents whose original language is not Spanish, French or English.
Calendar 2024/2025
1st Phase
Submission of Applications
23rd April to 10th May
Display of results
6th June
6th and 7th June
Registration and enrollment
11th to 21st June
2nd phase (remaining vacancies)
Submission of Applications
11th June to 12th July
Display of Results
5th August
5th and 6th August
Registration and Enrollment
7th to 23rd August
3rd Phase (remaining vacancies)
Submission of Applications
7th August to 26th September
Display of Results
30th September
30th September to 1st October
Registration and Enrollment
2nd to 7th October
Special Selection Tender for Higher Education Course holders

Holders of a Higher Course may apply for another course, through an application by Special Contest.

Application Documents
  1. Identification document or citizen’s card;
  2. Passport type photo;
  3. Original or certified copy of the qualification certificate of the course he/she holds;
  4. Request for recognition and crediting of competences (application form), in accordance with the regulations in force (including syllabus and number of hours of the subjects to which equivalence is to be requested and a detailed certificate with the marks obtained);
  5. Detailed Curriculum Vitae, duly dated and signed.
Calendar of Applications Over 23 Years of Age 2024/2025
1st Phase
Enrolment in exams
8th to 26th March
Preparation Session
2nd April (6.00pm)
Written Exam
9th April (6.00pm)
Till 10th April
Exams Results
18th April
Claims on the Exams Results
18th to 22nd April
23rd April
Application results
24th April
Claims on the Applications Results
24th to 26th April
29th April to 7th May
2nd Phase (remaining vacancies)
Enrolment in exams
26th April to 10th May
Preparation Session
16th May (6.00pm)
Written Exam
23rd May (6.00pm)
Till 24th May
Exams Results
5th June
Claims on the Exams Results
5th and 6th June
7th June
Application results
11th June
Claims on the Applications Results
11th to 12th June
13th to 21st June
3rd Phase (remaining vacancies)
Enrolment in exams
13th June to 1st July
Preparation Session
5th July (6.00pm)
Written Exam
12th July (6.00pm)
Till 12th july
Exams Results
22nd July
Claims on the Exams Results
22nd and 23rd July
24th july
Application results
25th July
Claims on the Applications Results
25th and 26th July
29th July to 2nd August
4th Phase (remaining vacancies)
Enrolment in exams
26th July to 30th August
Preparation Session
9th September (6.00pm)
Written Exam
13th September (6.00pm)
Till 13th September
Exams Results
18th September
Claims on the Exams Results
18th and 19th September
20th September
Application results
23rd September
Claims on the Applications Results
23rd to 24th September
25th to 30th September
Application form for admission exams for over 23 year olds
Documentation for enrolment in the exams
  • Qualifications Certificate
  • Updated, dated and signed Curriculum Vitae, indicating your educational and professional background (two copies). Curriculum Vitae template
  • ID Card
  • Recent Photo
The documents can be sent: by traditional mail, addressed to the Admissions Office, by email to ingresso@upt.pt, or delivered to the Admissions Office.
Available means of payment
  1. Cheque: issued to the order of Universidade Portucalense, CRL, accompanied by the sender’s identification. Address: Rua Dr António Bernardino de Almeida, nº 541. 4200-072 Porto
  2. At the University’s treasury office

The registration fee (€100)will be deducted from the application fee (€192) for those who apply within the indicated deadlines.

Documentation for the application
  1. Request for recognition and crediting of competences in accordance with the regulations in force (if you wish to apply for equivalences).

And also, for candidates who have not taken the exams in Portucalense:

  1. Identification document or citizen card;
  2. An updated colour photo;
  3. Original or certified copy of the certificate of the especially adequate tests designed to evaluate the capacity of the over 23 years old to attend higher education
  4. Information about the tests (Enunciation and other relevant information).

Re-entry/Change of Institution/Change of Pair

Note: According to the new Ordinance No. 181-D/2015 of 19 June course change and transfer has been replaced by a single regime called “change of institution/course pair”.

The change of institution/course pair is not allowed in the academic year in which the student has been placed in a higher education institution/course pair under any access and admission regime and has registered and enrolled.

The change of institution/course pair and the re-entry are requested to the Admission and Student Support Services Department, using the appropriate form.

Calendar 2024/2025

Calendar 2024/2025

1st Phase
Submission of Applications
23th April to 10th may
Display of results
6th June
6th and 7th June
Registration and Enrolment
11th to 21st June
2nd Phase (remaining vacancies)
Submission of Applications
11th June to 12th July
Display of Results
5th August
5th to 6th August
Registration and Enrolment
7th to 23rd August
3rd Phase (remaining vacancies)
Submission of Applications
7th August to 6th september
Display of Results
30th September
30th September to 1st October
Registration and Enrolment
2nd to 7th October
According to this new Administrative Rule the requests for re-entry and change of pair institution/course during the academic year can only be accepted on an exceptional basis, for particularly compelling reasons, and as long as the conditions for the academic integration of the applicants exist.
Documentation for the application to change Institution/Course Pair
  • Identification document
  • Passport size photo
  • ENES file for the year in which he/she entered the institution/course
  • Original or certified copy of the document proving the enrolment at the home institution (except for UPT’s candidates) (*)

If you wish to apply for equivalences:

  • Application for recognition and creditation of competences, (Application for Recognition and Creditation of Competences) according to the regulations in force (including syllabus and workloads of the subjects to which equivalence is to be requested and discriminatory certificate with the marks obtained).
  • Detailed certificate of the curricular units carried out in the original education institution (*)

(*) These documents must be authenticated according to the legislation in force (Law-Decree 28 of 13/03/2000).

Documentation for the Re-entry application
  • ID document;
  • Passport-type photo;
  • Application for recognition and crediting of competences (Application for Recognition and Accreditation of Competences), according to the regulations in force, if he/she intends to request the equivalence of competences other than those acquired in the course for which he/she is re-entering.
Applicable legislation

Holders of Double Certification Courses of Secondary Education and Specialised Artistic Courses

According to Decree-Law No. 11/2020 (https://dre.pt/application/conteudo/131016733) Portucalense University admits candidates with double certification courses of secondary education and specialized artistic courses (graduates from vocational courses).

Registration Form

Calendar of Applications 2024/2025

Calendar 2024/2025

1st Phase
Enrolment in exams
23rd April to 10th May
Preparation Session
16th May (6.00pm)
Written Exam
23rd May (6.00pm)
Till 24th May
Exams Results
5th June
Claims on the Exams Results
5th and 6th June
7th June
Application results
11th June
Claims on the Applications Results
11th and 12th June
13th to 21st June
2nd Phase (remaining vacancies)
Enrolment in exams
13th June to 1st July
Preparation Session
5th July (6.00pm)
Written Exam
12th July (6.00pm)
Till 12th July
Exams Results
22nd July
Claims on the Exams Results
22nd and 23rd July
24th July
Application results
25th July
Claims on the Applications Results
25th and 26th July
29th July to 2nd August
3rd Phase (remaining vacancies)
Enrolment in exams
26th July to 30th August
Preparation Session
9th September (6.00pm)
Written Exam
13th September (6.00pm)
Till 13th September
Exams Results
18th September
Claims on the Exams Results
18th and 19th September
20th September
Application results
23rd September
Claims on the Applications Results
23rd and 24th September
25th to 30th September
4th Phase (remaining vacancies)
Enrolment in exams
13th to 29th June
Preparation Session
4th July (6.00pm)
Internal Exams
7th July (6.00pm)
Till 8th July
Exams Results
14th July
Claims on the Exams Results
14th to 17th July
17th July
Application results
18th July
Claims on the Applications Results
18th and 19th July
20th to 26th July
5th Phase (remaining vacancies)
Enrolment in exams
21st to 29th of August
Preparation Session
1st of September (6.00pm)
Internal Exams
4th of September (6.00pm)
Exams Results
6th of September
Claims on the Exams Results
6th to 7th of September
7th of September
Application results
8th of September
Claims on the Applications Results
8th to 11th of September
11th to 15th of September
Documentation for enrolment in the Admission tests
  • Identification document
  • Document proving the ownership of the Double Certification Course of Secondary level or the Specialized Artistic Course
  • Declaration under oath that he/she is concluding a Vocational Course, stating the date of conclusion.

These documents must be originals or certified according to the legislation in force (Decreto-lei 28 de 13/03/2000).

Enrolment fee: 92,00 Euros

Only those registrations will be considered, for which the respective payment has been made.

Means of payment available:

Cheque: issued to the order of Universidade Portucalense, CRL, accompanied by the sender’s identification. Address: Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, nº 541. 4200-072 Porto

At the University’s treasury office

The payment of the enrolment fee will be deducted from the application fee, for those who apply within the indicated deadlines.

Who is eligible to apply

The holders of double certification courses and specialized artistic courses can apply to the Special Access and Admission Competitions, which fall within the areas of education and training (CNAEF) corresponding to the areas of 1st cycle and integrated master’s degree in Architecture to which they apply, provided in the table contained in the Deliberation No. 860/2021 of 16 August of CNAES

Students coming from secondary level vocational courses, being considered for this purpose the holders of:

  • professional courses
    Apprenticeship courses;
  • education and training courses for young people;
  • sectorial scope courses of the Tourism of Portugal schools network;
  • specialized artistic courses of double certification of secondary education;
  • specialised artistic courses in the area of music;
  • Vocational training courses within the scope of the Youth Insertion Training Programme of the Autonomous Region of the Azores;
  • Courses of Member State of the European Union, legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education, conferring double certification, school and vocational, and conferring level 4 of qualification of the European Qualifications Framework;
  • Other non-Portuguese courses, legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education, granting double certification, schooling and vocational, in situations where the candidates concerned have Portuguese nationality.
Knowledge Assessment Tests to be held at UPT

The candidates must take, at the Portucalense University, one of the Knowledge Assessment Tests set for the course they wish to enrol in and which are presented below:

Bachelor in Multimedia and Arts
Bachelor in Hospitality Management
English or Portuguese
Bachelor in Marketing
Bachelor in Management
Bachelor in Information Systems for Management
Bachelor in Computer Engineering
Bachelor in Engineering and Industrial Management
Bachelor in Social Education
Bachelor in Tourism
English or Portuguese
Integrated Master in Architecture and Urbanism
Evaluation of the Application

The assessment of the application to a bachelor’s degree cycle or integrated master’s degree cycle implies the evaluation of the capacity to attend them, under the following terms:

  • 50% weighting: final classification of the course obtained by the student;
  • 20% weighting: marks obtained in the assessment/aptitude tests;
  • Weighting of 30%: marks obtained in the entrance examination, held at the Portucalense University.
Final Application Mark

In determining the final mark of the application, the following formula will be observed:

NFC = (CFC * 0.5) + (CPF * 0.2) + (CPAC * 0.3)


NFC corresponds to the Final Application Score;

CFC is the Final Course Classification

CPF corresponds to the Final Examination Classification

CPAC refers to the Classification of the Knowledge Assessment tests

The access and admission under the special competition referred to in the present article depends on the candidate obtaining classifications equal to or higher than 95 points, on a scale of 0 to 200 points, in each of the assessment elements referred to in the previous paragraph.

Courses to which you can apply
  • Bachelor in Social Education
  • Bachelor  in Engineering and Industrial Management
  • Bachelor in Informatics Engineering
  • Bachelor in Management
  • Bachelor in Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor in Marketing
  • Bachelor in Multimedia and Arts
  • Bachelor inInformation Systems for Management 
  • Bachelor in Tourism
  • Integrated Master in Architecture and Urbanism
Documentation for the application
  • Application form
  • ID Card
  • Recent Photo
If the candidate has taken an aptitude test or final assessment in another Higher Education Institution, he/she must also present:
  • Documentary evidence that the applicant holds the qualification with which he/she is applying, indicating the final classification obtained;
  • Documentary evidence of the marks obtained in the aptitude test or in the final evaluation, depending on the course the applicant holds.
Candidates who apply with a foreign diploma of secondary education of the respective country or obtained in that country, in addition to the documents mentioned above, should also attach to their application:
  • Document proving the title of the secondary education course obtained in the respective country with indication of the respective final classification obtained;
  • Declaration, issued by the official education services of the respective country, attesting that the secondary education they hold is a double certification, scholar and professional, corresponding to the level 4 of qualification of the European Qualifications Framework, or certificate of equivalence to the Portuguese secondary education issued by the competent national entity;
  • Explanatory statement of the grading scale, when this is different from the Portuguese system (0-20 values, positive note from 10), issued by the teaching institution where the degree was obtained
The documents referred to must be translated into Portuguese or English, whenever they are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish and stamped by the consular service or presented with the Hague Apostille affixed by the competent authority of the State where the document originated.

Admission Office

Enquiries regarding the application can be made by:
email (ingresso@upt.pt) or
Phone (800 270 201)

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