In accordance with article 21 of the Statutes of the Portucalense University, Official Journal of the Republic, 2nd series – No. 179 – September 15, 2009, announcement No. 6952/2009:
- The scientific council is made up of twenty-five elected representatives, from among all the career Professors and Researchers, and other full-time Professors and Researchers, with a contract of at least one year, who hold a Doctoral degree, whatever the nature of their link to the Institution.
- When the number of eligible members is less than the number established in the previous number, the council shall consist of all of them.
- The members of the scientific council shall be elected by their peers, pursuant to the law.
- The Rector, Vice-Rectors, the Chairman of the Pedagogical Council and the Departmental Directors, who are inherently part of this body, are ineligible for the position of President of the Scientific Council.
- The Council shall meet once a month during the academic year; the President may convene other meetings.