Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Frequently Asked Questions


  • 1. Where can I apply for courses at Portucalense?

    The application can be made in person at the Admissions Office or electronically .

    If you need help, give priority to non-face-to-face contact, using the following means at your disposal:



    225 572 222

    225 572 223

    969 773 967

    800 270 201 Free

    If you prefer to schedule a face-to-face service, you can do so Here.

    The Admission Office is located on the 2nd floor and is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm; in July and September, it is closed at 7pm on Tuesdays and Fridays.

    Any errors or omissions in filling in the application form, or in the instruction of the application file, are the sole responsibility of the applicant.

  • 2. What Bachelor courses (1st cycle) and Integrated Masters are there in Portucalense?
  • 3. Who is eligible to apply?

    a) Holders of a secondary education course or legally equivalent qualification, who have taken, in the current year, or in the last two years, the national examinations corresponding to the Admission Exams required for the different courses and have obtained in these tests a classification equal to or higher than 95 points (scale of 0 to 200);

    b) Students holding non-Portuguese courses legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education;

    c) The holders of a Technological Specialization Diploma (DET), obtained after concluding a Technological Specialization Course (CET), and the holders of a Professional Higher Technician Diploma (TESP) may apply to higher education through an application form via Special Competitions. The realization of the application is conditioned to the completion of the national examinations of secondary education corresponding to the

    Admission Exams required for admission to the cycle of studies in question and have obtained, in those tests, a classification equal to or higher than 95 points (on a scale of 0 to 200);

    d) Holders of Double Certification Courses at Secondary level and Specialised Artistic Courses;

    e) Holders of other higher education degrees;

    f) Students who have passed the particularly appropriate tests designed to assess the ability to attend higher education of those over 23 years of age;

    g) International Students;

    h) Students who intend to Re-enter;

    i) Students who intend to change institution/course pair - i.e. transfer from another institution to the same course at Portucalense, or change course (coming from Portucalense or another institution). The student's application through this competition is subject to the presentation of the national secondary school exams corresponding to the set of entrance exams (link to the table of entrance exams for entrance exams 2025/2026) required for entry to the 1st cycle/integrated master's degree course to which they wish to apply. 

  • 4. Which admission exams are required?
    1. The admission exams are currently carried out through national secondary school exams taken in the current year, or in the last four years.
    2. You can consult the admission exams required for the different UPT courses Here.
    3. Students that hold non-Portuguese courses that are legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education may substitute the entrance examinations by final examinations in the subjects of those courses, under the terms of article 20-A of Decree-Law no. 296 -A/98, of 25 September. For further information Here.
  • 5. Is a minimum classification required in the admission exams?

    Yes. Only exams with a classification equal to or higher than 95 points (on a scale from 0 to 200) can be used as admission exams.

  • 6. What is the validity of the Exams that are used as admission exams?

    The national examinations are valid as admission exams in the year they are taken and in the four following years.

  • 7. I have just finished High School; how can I apply?

    The application to the bachelor's degree courses at the University of Portucalense is made annually through the Institutional Admission, 1st cycle 1st time admission; see more information Here.

    The application can be done electronically Here or in person at the Admission Office (2nd floor).

    If you need help, give preference to non-face-to-face contact, through the following means at your disposal:

    E-mail: ingresso@upt.pt


    225 572 222

    225 572 223

    969 773 967

    If you prefer to schedule a face-to-face service you may do so Here.

    The Admission Office is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm.

    1. ID Document
    2. Updated colour photo
    3. Original or certified copy * of the ENES document
    4.  Application fee:  Check the current price list

    Any errors or omissions in filling in the application form, or in the instruction of the application file, are the sole responsibility of the applicant.

    If you wish to apply for equivalences:
    Application for recognition and crediting of competences (application), according to the regulations in force (including syllabus and workloads* of the subjects to which equivalence is to be requested and discriminatory certificate with the marks obtained);

    (*) Where can documents be authenticated?
    CTT (Post Office), notaries, lawyers, solicitors, registry offices, parish councils, chambers of commerce and industry.

  • 8. I have just finished High School; when can I apply?

    Applications run according to the calendar available Here.

  • 9. I have just finished High School; is there a minimum classification required in the application form?

    Yes. Only students with an application score of 95 or more points (on a scale from 0 to 200) may apply to a specific course.)

  • 10. I have just finished the High School; how is the Application Score in institutional tender calculated?

    The application grade (access grade) is a classification on a scale of 0 to 200, calculated by applying the following formula, the result of which is rounded to the nearest tenth, considering a value of not less than 0.05 as a tenth.

    (S x 0.50) + (P1 x 0.35) + (P2 x 0.15),

    S = final secondary school classification: 50 per cent
    P1 = National secondary school exam with the highest classification, on the entire scale from 0 to 200, of one of the sets of entrance exams required: 35%*.
    P2 = National secondary school exam with a lower score, on the whole scale from 0 to 200, from one of the sets of entrance exams required: 15%*.

    *National exams with a score of 95 or more on the full scale of 0 to 200 will be considered for application.

  • 11. I am a holder of a foreign degree, how can I apply?

    For students who are holders of non-Portuguese courses that are legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education and are not covered by the International Student, the admission exams may be replaced by final exams of subjects from those courses, under the terms of article 20-A of Decree-Law no. 296-A/98, of 25th September, in its version updated by Decree-Law no. 90/2008, of 30 May.

    Consult Here information on Article 20a: replacement of admission exams by final examinations of non-Portuguese high school courses.

  • 12. I am not a Portuguese national, nor am I a national of an EU member state, nor have I lived in Portugal for more than 2 years. Can I apply for the Bachelors

    Yes, provided that:

    1. Hold: a
      • a qualification which, in the country where it was obtained, entitles them to apply and enter higher education in that country, or
      • a Portuguese secondary education diploma or legally equivalent qualification.
    2. Have passed the higher education access exams for the course they are applying for (the national higher education admission exams required in the country of origin or the equivalent for the Portuguese admission exams).
    3. If the student has not taken any type of examination equivalent to the Portuguese entrance examinations, he/she will have to take an examination, written or oral, concerning the subject(s) equivalent to the Admission Exams.

  • 13. How can I apply as an International Student?
    1. Application form, duly completed, available at Application Portal and at the Admission Office of Portucalense University;
    2. Declaration, under oath, that the candidate does not have Portuguese nationality;
    3. Document proving the possession of a qualification which, in the country where it was obtained, confers the right to apply and to enter higher education in that country, as well as its classification, proving its validation by the competent entity of that country;


    1. Documentary evidence of completion of Portuguese high school education (Ficha ENES) or legally equivalent qualification, as well as the respective marks obtained;
    2. Documentary evidence of the completion of tests considered to be of an equivalent level and content to those provided by students admitted through the general regime for access and entry, as well as the respective classification obtained in them;
    3. Document attesting the level of knowledge of the Portuguese or English language, depending on the language of instruction of the course applied to;
    4. Copy of passport or other legally equivalent document;
    5. up-to-date colour Photo
    6. Application fee: Check the current price list

    The documents mentioned in paragraphs c), d) and e), must be translated into Portuguese, whenever they are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish and stamped by the consular service or presented with the affixation of the Hague Apostille, by the competent authority of the State from which the document originates.

    The foreign documents referred to in paragraphs c) and d) must state the grading scale used.

    In the application phase and for reasons of simplicity and celerity of the process, documentary evidence not duly authenticated may be accepted, but only as reference, and its authenticity must be verified until the effective enrolment.

    Any errors or omissions in filling in the application form, or in the instruction of the application file, are the applicant's sole responsibility.

    If you need help, please use the following means to contact us: E-mail: ingresso@upt.pt Telephone: 225 572 222 - 225 572 223 - 969 773 967.

    If you prefer to schedule a face-to-face meeting, you can do it here.

    The application can be made electronically here or in person at the Admissions Office (on the 2nd floor).

    If you prefer to make an appointment for a face-to-face meeting, you can do it here.
    The Admission Office is located on the 2nd floor and is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm.

    If you wish to apply for equivalences:
    Request for recognition and crediting of skills (application form), according to the regulations in force (including syllabus and hourly load* of the subjects to which you wish to apply for equivalence and discriminatory certificate with the marks obtained);

    (*) Where can documents be authenticated?
    CTT (Post Office), notaries, lawyers, solicitors, registry offices, parish councils, chambers of commerce and industry.

  • 14. I already have a bachelor degree; I want to apply for another course, what do I need to do?

    In this case you must make an application through the Higher Education Course Holders

    Calendar available here.

    The application can be submitted electronically Here or in person at the Admission Office (2nd floor).

    If you need help, give preference to non-face-to-face contact, through the following means at your disposal:

    E-mail: ingresso@upt.pt

    225 572 222
    225 572 223
    969 773 967

    If you prefer to schedule a face-to-face service you may do so Here.

    The Admissions Office is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm.

    In addition to the completed application form, the following documentation is required

    1.  Identification document or citizen card;
    2. Up-to-date colour photograph;
    3. Detailed Curriculum Vitae, dated and signed;
    4. Original or certified copy* of the qualification certificate of the course you hold.
    5. Application fee: Check the current price list

    If you wish to apply for equivalences:
    Application for the recognition and crediting of competences (application), in accordance with the regulations in force (including the syllabus and workloads* of the subjects to which equivalence is to be requested and a detailed certificate with the marks obtained);
    Application for Recognition and Creditation of Competences in the amount of 204€;
    Recognition of Curricular Unit equivalence (per ECTS): 8.70

    (*) Where can documents be authenticated?
    CTT (Post Office), notaries, lawyers, solicitors, registry offices, parish councils, chambers of commerce and industry.

  • 15. I have already attended a course in another institution but now I want to change to another course in Portucalense. How can I do it?

    In this case you must make an application through – Re-entry/Change of Institution/Change of Pair.

    Calendar available here.

    The change of institution/course pair and the re-entry are requested to the Directorate of Admission and Student Support Services, using the appropriate form.

    The change of institution/course pair is not allowed in the academic year in which the student has been placed in a higher education institution/course pair under any access and entry regime and has enrolled and registered.

    If you need help, please use the following means to contact us: E-mail: ingresso@upt.pt Telephone: 225 572 222 - 225 572 223 - 969 773 967

    If you prefer to schedule a personal attendance, you may do so here.

    The application can be made electronically here or in person at the Admissions Office (on the 2nd floor).
    The Admissions Office is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm.

    In addition to the completed application form, the following documentation is required

    1.  Identification document;
    2. Up-to-date colour photograph;
    3. Original or certified copy* of the document proving the enrolment in the home institution (except for UPT's candidates); for the 1st year students, this document must specify the academic year of placement in the institution/course pair;
    4. Original or certified copy of the document proving the completion of the national secondary school exams corresponding to the entrance examinations set for that Institution/Course, for that year, with the respective marks (ENES sheet).
    5. Application fee: Check the current price list

    If you wish to apply for equivalences:
    Application for recognition and crediting of competences (application form), according to the regulations in force (including syllabus and workloads* of the subjects to which equivalence is to be requested and discriminatory certificate with the marks obtained);

    (*) Where can documents be authenticated?
    CTT (Post Office), notaries, lawyers, solicitors, registry offices, parish councils, chambers of commerce and industry.

  • 16. I have already attended a course in Portucalense and now I want to resume my studies. How can I do it?

    In this case you must make an application through "Re-entry/Change of Institution/Change of Pair", which should be done according to the available schedule Here.

    Calendar available here.

    The re-entry is requested to the Direction of Admission and Student Support Services, using the appropriate form.
    The following documentation is also required

    1.  Identification document;
    2. . Up-to-date colour photograph;
    3.  Application for the recognition and crediting of competences (application form), according to the regulations in force, in case you wish to apply for the equivalence of competences other than those acquired in the course for which you are re-entering.

    If you need help, please use the following contacts available to you: E-mail: ingresso@upt.pt Telephone: 225 572 222 - 225 572 223 - 969 773 967

    If you prefer to schedule a personal attendance, you may do so here.

    The application can be made electronically here or in person at the Admissions Office (on the 2nd floor).
    The Admissions Office is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm.

    If you wish to apply for equivalences:
    Request for recognition and crediting of skills (application form), according to the regulations in force (including syllabus and hourly load* of the subjects to which you wish to apply for equivalence and discriminatory certificate with the marks obtained);
    Application for Recognition and Creditation of Competences in the amount of 204€;
    Recognition of Curricular Unit equivalence (per ECTS): 8.70€

    (*) Where can documents be authenticated?
    CTT (Post Office), notaries, lawyers, solicitors, registry offices, parish councils, chambers of commerce and industry.

  • 17. I am over 23 years old and do not have any high school degree or equivalent; can I join Portucalense?

    Yes, in this case you must make an application through "Over 23".

    The first step is to enrol in the specially adapted tests designed to assess the ability of people over 23 to attend higher education.

     These exams take place in three phases according to the calendar available Here. you can register for the admission exams Here.

    Once you have passed the exams you can submit your application electronically Here or in person at the Admission Office (2nd floor).

    The deadlines for registering and applying for the tests are as follows:
    See calendar here

    The following documentation is required:

    1. Certificate of Qualifications
    2. Updated, dated and signed Curriculum Vitae, indicating your educational and professional background (two copies). Curriculum Vitae Model
    3.  Identification document
    4. One recent colour photograph
    5. Exam registration fee: Check the current price list
    6. Application fee: Check the current price list

    If you need help, please use the following means to contact us: E-mail: ingresso@upt.pt Telephones: 225 572 222 - 225 572 223 - 969 773 967

    If you prefer to schedule a personal attendance, you may do so here.

    The application can be made electronically here or in person at the Admissions Office (on the 2nd floor).
    The Admissions Office is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm.

    If you wish to apply for equivalences:
    Request for recognition and crediting of skills (application form), according to the regulations in force (including syllabus and hourly load* of the subjects to which you wish to apply for equivalence and discriminatory certificate with the marks obtained);

    (*) Where can documents be authenticated?
    CTT (Post Office), notaries, lawyers, solicitors, registry offices, parish councils, chambers of commerce and industry.

  • 18. I am over 23 years old and took the Access to Higher Education for Adults over 23 years old exams in another institution; can I attend Portucalense?

    Yes, in this case you must apply through "Over 23".

    The application can be submitted electronically Here or in person at the Admission Office (2nd floor).

    The deadlines for registering and applying for the tests are as follows:
    See calendar here.

    The following documentation is also required:

    1. Identification document;
    2. An up-to-date color photograph;
    3. Detailed, dated and signed Curriculum Vitae;
    4. Original or certified copy of the certificate of the especially adequate tests designed to evaluate the capacity to attend higher education for those over 23 years of age;
    5. Information about the exams (wording and other pertinent information).
    6. Application fee: Check current price list

    If you need help, give preference to non-face-to-face contact, through the following means at your disposal:

    E-mail: ingresso@upt.pt

    225 572 222
    225 572 223
    969 773 967

    If you prefer to schedule an appointment in person, you can do it here.

    The application can be made electronically here or in person at the Admissions Office (on the 2nd floor).
    The Admissions Office is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm.

    If you wish to apply for equivalences:
    Request for recognition and crediting of skills (application form), according to the regulations in force (including syllabus and hourly load* of the subjects to which you wish to apply for equivalence and discriminatory certificate with the marks obtained);

    (*) Where can documents be authenticated?
    CTT (Post Office), notaries, lawyers, solicitors, registry offices, parish councils, chambers of commerce and industry.

  • 19. After enrolling or changing my enrolment, what should I do?

    Validate the enrolment form at the Secretariat and then go to the treasury to sign (or update) the respective contract and make the first payment. This act is mandatory because only then will the enrolment become effective. In this document you will find the amounts to be paid throughout the academic period as well as the deadlines for these payments.

  • 20. Does Portucalense have any kind of scholarships for tuition fee reduction?

    Yes, there are:

    1.  Quality Promotion Grants:For students who have concluded high school with a final grade of not less than sixteen (1-20), without resorting to rounding, and who enrol in each of the 1st year courses of the bachelors taught at the Portucalense (award of 2 grants to the 1st year of each course, to the highest grade).
    2. School Merit Scholarships: Students of each academic year and of each of the 1st and 2nd study cycle courses taught at the UPT, who were enrolled at the Portucalense in the previous academic year and who obtain a minimum classification of fourteen points, without resorting to rounding, in the immediately preceding academic year (attribution of 1 grant to each of the 1st and 2nd study cycle courses, to the highest average. For the bachelors the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years are covered. For the masters, only the 1st year is included).
    3. Economic hardship grants and grants for students with financial difficulties; Provide an opportunity to participate in Portucalense activities.

    All the scholarships consist in the partial reduction of the attendance fee, or in the attribution of other benefits.

    To be able to benefit from b) and c) scholarships it is necessary to apply, according to the available regulation Scholarship Award Regulations. The period normally runs from mid-July to the end of September, according to the Notice published on the Social welfare.

    Besides these scholarships students can also apply for scholarships from DGES. More information Here.

  • 21. Apart from the compulsory school insurance, do you offer any other complements?


    The compulsory School Protection Insurance has the following Cover:

    School Personal Accident - Associated with school activity + Death, Permanent Disability, Treatment Expenses, Student Liability

    Complements offered:

    Health card/insuranceHealth discounts
    DeathDeath of the person responsible for the payment of tuition fees (1)
    Permanent DisabilityPermanent incapacity of the person responsible for the payment of tuition fees (1)
    UnemploymentInvoluntary unemployment of employees
    Temporary incapacity WorkAbsolute temporary incapacity for work due to illness or accident (Casualty)
    HospitalisationHospitalisation for the self-employed

    (1) In the event of death and/or permanent disability of the student worker: to the declared beneficiaries or the legal heirs, in equal shares (in the event of death) and to the student himself (in the event of disability)

  • 22. As a worker can I benefit from any special status?

    Yes; you may benefit from the status of working student, which should be requested at the academic office, upon registration. This status allows you to take advantage of a special exam season, in accordance with the Pedagogical Regulation in force; for the purposes of assessment in the course units that consider the attendance, working students are not subject to comply with the 75% attendance in classes; they may have to take some tests/work, in its substitution, as established by the teacher in the form of the course unit. See

     Pedagogical Regulation

  • 23. What does Competences Crediting mean?

    Crediting Competences is the process by which competences acquired in other courses (degree or non-degree) or through professional experience are recognised, resulting in the attribution of ECTS credits to certain course units of the plan for which the student is applying. For more information see Regulation on the Recognition and Creditation of Competences.

  • 24. Can I apply for a DGES Scholarship?
  • 25. How can I apply for the second semester?

    The 2nd semester enrolment is done in person. The student must go to the Academic Office and request the enrolment in the Curricular Units of the 2nd semester to be attended and then go to the treasury to update the contract.

  • 26. Where can I see the exam schedule?
    On the UPT website (Academic calendar) or in SIUPT in the option Student/Evaluation calendars. Assessment calendars for the different seasons will be presented.
  • 27. Do I have to apply for the exams?
    Yes. It is compulsory It is the student's responsibility to enrol for examinations.
  • 28. Until when can I aply for the exams?

    For exams in the regular period and resit period, the student has until twenty-four hours before the time scheduled for the exam to apply. Students who meet the conditions to take exams in special period will have to wait for the opening of the registration period, which is posted in the hallways of all UPT courses and available at SIUPT and at Virtual Academic Office>Notices.

  • 29. Who can attend examinations at special periods?

    Students who enjoy a status provided for in the prevailing Pedagogical Regulation.

  • 30. Can I apply for exams outside the enrolment period?

    No. The enrolment after the deadline is not admitted and implies the prohibition of the student to take the exam and the cancellation of the exam in case it is taken.

  • 31. How can I apply for the exams?

    On the SIUPT student's page in the option > student>normal period enrollment or >resit period enrollment or >special period enrollment

  • 32. I have two or more written exams on the same day.

    In the case of continuous or mixed assessment curricular units, the student must, within 15 working days after the publication of the mid-term evaluation map, make a request to the Academic office to reschedule the written exam of the curricular unit that does not belong to the semester of the curricular year the student is in.

    In the case of final assessment curricular unit, the student must, at least 15 working days before the end of the academic period, make a request to the Academic Office to reschedule one of the written exams.

    In the case of two written examinations in the examinations resit period, the student must, within 48 hours after the release of the results of the regular examination season, apply to the Academic Office requesting the rescheduling of one of the written examinations and must communicate which examination is to be reschedule.

    The right to take the overlapping exams is conditional on the student being present for the previous exam that was supposed to be taken.

  • 33. I have a written and an oral exam on the same day.

    In case of overlapping between written, oral and practical test, the student must take the written test. A request should be submitted to the Academic Services requesting the postponement of the Oral test.

  • 34. How can I cancel my exam enrolment?

    On the student page SIUPT under student>student information>requests>Anulment of enrolment for the curricular unit exam.

  • 35. How can I enrol in classes?

    On the SIUPT student page under student>student class enrolment.

  • 36. When can I enrol in classes?

    As soon as the class enrolments option becomes available.

  • 37. How can I request student worker status?

    On the SIUPT student page under student>requests>academic services direction

    You must present the documents, according to your work situation, as stated in the Administrative Regulation in force. The documents are to be attached to your request.

  • 38. How can I justify my absences from the curricular units?

    The student must complete a specific form for justification of absences (available at the academic services) for each of the Curricular Units missed. The student must attach the respective justification and deliver it to the teacher of the curricular unit.

  • 39. How can I justify my absence to an element of assessment of a curricular unit?

    On the SIUPT student page under student>student information>requests>The Rectory>.

    You should present the documents proving your situation, according to the Pedagogical Regulations in force, before making your request.

  • 40. How can I contact the teachers?

    On the SIUPT student page under student>timetables>attendance timetable.

  • 41. Is it compulsory to attend all classes?

    In the SIUPT student page you should access the curricular unit file in student>student information>curricular unit. Each curricular unit has its own assessment system.

  • 42. Why are my SIUPT accesses blocked? How do I unblock it?

    There is an irregularity in your educational and/or financial situation (financial plan not chosen and/or unpaid fees). Settle any overdue payments quickly and/or consult the student portal or ask the secretary and/or the treasury for help.

  • 43. How do I cancel or suspend my enrolment?

    You can do it through the specific portal for that purpose, Requests. Access is through the student portal.

  • 44. What is the current price and payment period for the tuition fees?

    The current prices are available on the University's website,Here.

  • 45. How much does it cost to apply for a Bachelor's course?

    The application costs 192€.

  • 46. How much is the first year's tuition fee for a first time student?

    To attend a Bachelor course you have to:

    Do the registration which costs €353

    Tuition fee: annual: September €4.249.07

    Semester: September and February €2,146.44

    Monthly: 483,30€

    See the complete price list Here

  • 47. What is the tuition fee for International Students?

    For courses taught in Portuguese:

    Application: 192€;

    Registration (single act per course): 353€

    Enrolment fee: 203€ (paid in February*)

    School insurance: €36

    Or annual fee of €4.249.07

    See the complete price list Here.

    * The exemption will be applied in February if the student only enrols in the 2nd semester, in the year of enrolment

  • 48. What methods of payment are there?

    Preferably through MB references. Each student has a unique reference, valid for as long as they have an active subscription: 0000xxxxx. Where xxxxx = student number. The entity is 20740. With this reference you can pay up to your current account balance. You can also use the treasury services at the UPT.

  • 49. Can I use Tickets Tuition/Education to pay my school fees?

    Yes, we accept this kind of payment.

  • 50. From which day are the MB references available for the payment of the fees?

    They become available from the SIBS on the 2nd working day of each month (inclusive)

  • 51. Can I pay by bank transfer?

    We are not accepting payment of fees by this method. Use the MB references associated with your student number. See your SIUPT page to find out more.

  • 52. How do I receive invoices and receipts?

    Invoices are sent at the beginning of each month (or other chosen period) to the email address you have provided. Receipts are also processed in this way upon payment.

  • 53. How can I find out my current debits on my account?

    Consult the student portal, in the specific menu for that purpose.

  • 54. What are the deadlines for payment of fees, emoluments, applications, exams, etc?

    The deadline is 3 days.

  • 55. What kind of reductions and support are there?

    See Protocols e os Student Support

    In addition to the Scholarships described in No. 20 (Admission),

    There are Protocols that Portucalense University has established with several trade unions and professional associations that allow the benefit of reduced enrolment and tuition fees for associates (or even spouses and children in some cases), of 5%..

    See here a List of institutions with protocol.

    We also support families: Attendance by members of the same household benefits the second one with a reduction of 20% on the tuition fee and, as of the third, with a 40% reduction. For former students and family members (provided they are proven to be part of the same household): 10% on registration and attendance.

    Student support: through the Student Support Office you can

    • have psychological assistance - The psychological service is exclusive to students of Portucalense University and is of a personal nature, its appointment cannot be made by third parties, to do so you just need to send your availability to the email gae@upt.pt.
    • have a Curriculum Vitae review - To make an appointment for CV support and review simply send your availability to the email gae@upt.pt, and you will be accompanied by one of the members of the Student Support Office.
    • enrol in initiatives promoted by the Student Support Office - The enrolment in the activities developed by the Student Support Office are specifically defined and the enrolment procedure is described in the announcement of those activities.
  • 56. Apart from the obligatory school insurance, do you offer any other complements?


    The compulsory School Protection Insurance has the following Cover:

    School Personal Accident - Associated with school activity + Death, Permanent Disability, Treatment Expenses, Student Liability

    Complements offered:

    Health card/insuranceHealth discounts
    DeathDeath of the person responsible for the payment of tuition fees (1)
    Permanent DisabilityPermanent incapacity of the person responsible for the payment of tuition fees (1)
    UnemploymentInvoluntary unemployment of employees
    Temporary incapacity WorkAbsolute temporary incapacity for work due to illness or accident (Casualty)
    HospitalisationHospitalisation for the self-employed

    (1) In the event of death and/or permanent disability of the student worker: to the declared beneficiaries or the legal heirs, in equal shares (in the event of death) and to the student himself (in the event of disability)

  • 57. How do I apply for reductions and the deadline for doing so?

    You have up to one month after enrolment to do so. You must do it through the specific portal for that purpose, Requests. Access is through the student portal.o.

  • 58. What are the application deadlines for Erasmus mobility?

    Applications for SMS (studies) and SMP (internship) mobility are opened by the institutional coordinator and advertised by the International Relations Office, on the UPT website and on the UPT Information Dissemination System.

    In a global way, the application deadline for mobilities to be held in the 1st semester, in the 2nd semester or during the whole year runs until end of March;

    If there are vacancies, a new application period may be opened for mobilities to be held in the 2nd semester. The deadline for applications is end of October.

  • 59. In which countries can Erasmus+ mobility take place?

    The countries where mobility can take place under Erasmus+ are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Cyprus and Malta.

    Under particular conditions, countries outside the European Union can participate: the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey.


  • 60. If I am thinking about mobility, what should I do to make a decision?

    You should collect information on mobility in general. See Student Mobility Regulation

    Consult the Erasmus+ National Agency portal (Education and Training) at http://www.proalv.pt/erasmusmais/documentacao/acao1.html#

    You should also consult the International Relations Office for more detailed information, as for example: estimated values of the grant per destination, financial support given by UPT, contacts of colleagues who have already been mobile.

    There may be other determining factors for the choice of destination country and university: quality of the institution, cost of living in that country, possibility of receiving a mobility support grant, professional expectations after the exchange period, etc.

    In http://ec.europa.eu/ploteus/ Ploteus page, the student can obtain information on educational systems, living costs, accommodation, etc. They can also carry out a study on the quality of the institutions in the international and/or European rankings. Examples: THES Ranking -Times Higher Education Supplement- http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2012-13/world-ranking/region/europe and Ranking Webometrics - http://www.webometrics.info/en/Europe/Portugal, among others.

    The choice is always up to the student so we recommend you to do your homework by searching the websites for information about the partner institutions and, in case you need additional information, you can always consult the information leaflets that the partners send every year to IRO and ask for the contacts of the erasmus  students who have already passed through here.

  • 61. What is the purpose of bilateral agreements?

    Under the Erasmus+ programme, mobilities are carried out based on bilateral agreements that are established and validated every academic year. These agreements are signed by the Institutional Coordinator, after being validated by the Departmental Coordinators and the IRO and take into account our courses and scientific research areas and are only intended for students of the course for which the mobility has been pre-established.


  • 62. How can I get to know the destination universities?

    You should consult the UPT website to know the universities with which agreements have been signed (List of Agreements with other Universities), and which can therefore be destination universities.

    The student can also:

    • consult the websites of the partner universities in order to make a calculated choice;
    • consult the study plan provided by the destination university in order to verify the compatibility of study programmes between the two institutions and to confirm if the university has a study plan similar to the course under analysis. The choice should focus, among other factors, on the UC's offered by the destination university;
    • seek advice from the Erasmus+ departmental coordinator (EDC);
    • access the study plans of the partner universities directly via Internet or search on the partner university's website through the information available at the faculties and consulting the respective course plans, or on the international relations/mobility website of the partner university;
    • know all about the language of instruction at that institution and what can be done to overcome any language barriers that may arise.After trying to get to know them through the website, looking at the study plans you want to attend and discussing your preferences with the departmental coordinators, you have to choose three universities in order of preference
  • 63. How do I find a company that will take me on as an intern (SMP)?

    The company can be suggested by the student or found by UPT through the offers received by the international relations office or by the institutional coordinators, department coordinators or teachers. It is also possible to intern at a university.

  • 64. How do I express my intention to apply for mobility?

    You have to fill in the application form, available on the website

  • 65. If I apply, am I sure I will be placed in mobility?

    No. The International Relations Office (IRO) carries out the seriation of the candidates. In case there are more applicants than vacancies for the same university, the selection criteria will be:

    The following selection criteria were taken into consideration in this order:

    a) Distribution of the number of SMS (studies) and SMP (internships) grants by the 4 departments taking into account the mobility flows in the last 3 years;

    b) Higher number of ECTS carried out at UPT;

    c) The year the student attends according to the following rule:

    • 1st -student enrolled and registered in the current school year;
    • 2nd - number of ects completed, during the academic pathway and until the results of the 1st semester of the respective academic year;
    • 3rd -best average mark;

    d) In case of withdrawals, preference shall be given to substitutes from the same course;

    e) In case of a tie, preference will be given to students who have never done mobility;

    Selecione o idioma da tradução
    Inglês (UK)

    f) Have been buddy with positive performance evaluation.All candidates will be contacted to attend a meeting with the IRO.

  • 66. How do I know what my chances of placement are?

    At this meeting, to which you will be invited, you will be informed about the mobility placement, still under reserve and subject to subsequent confirmation by the destination university placement adjustments may be made, taking into account, for example, the placement of a colleague with whom you intend to do mobility.

  • 67. I got the place, what should I do?

    In this meeting the formal mobility process is also started, by filling in the documents available online.

  • 68. What documents are needed for the process of SMS mobility (studies) or SMP mobility (internship)?

    Student form. To fill in this form, the student needs the following documents: fiscal card, citizen card or identity card, which must be photocopied and handed in;

    Proxy draft. To fill in this document, the student needs a copy of the proxy's ID and must attach the contact phone number of the proxy;

    Declaration of Acceptance of Scholarship. To fill in this document, the student needs a copy of the NIB;


    EHIC-European Health Insurance Card (copy) https://www.sns.gov.pt/home/cartao-europeu-de-seguro-de-doenca/

    Learning Agreement, if you are going to study abroad. You will receive the Student Card Erasmus where the rights and duties of the mobile student are defined.

    Training Agreement, If you are going to be mobile for a traineeship, you will receive the Commitment to Quality for the professional traineeship which sets out the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved.

    Pre-Academic Recognition/Pre-Academic Recognition document_amendments.The student should consult the rules and/or specific information of the course, published below, and check if there are any limitations regarding the period of studies that can be done abroad and the nr. of ects foreseen.

  • 69. OLS -On-line Linguistic Support

    In the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, the European Commission has contracted an Online Linguistic Support service (OLS) for participants in long-term mobility activities (i.e. mobilities between 2 and 12 months).

    In the academic year 2014-2015, participants in long-term mobility activities under Key Action 1 Higher Education who use English, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Dutch as their main language of study or work can take advantage of the Online Linguistic Support -OLS.

    Participants in long-term mobility activities under Key Action 1 Higher Education who need linguistic support in another official language of the EU can be supported by other means, in particular through the funding allocated to projects under the heading Organisational Support (OS).

    The OLS will consist of the following:

    1st -Test 1 to assess the student's language competence - before the start of mobility

    2nd language course - at the beginning/during mobility

    3rd -Test 2 assessing the student's linguistic competence - at the end of mobility

    Test 1 of language competence assessment is compulsory for all students undertaking long-term mobility activities whose main language of study (SMS) or work (SMT) is one of the 6 languages identified above. The language course is optional and can be awarded by the student's institution based on the level of language competence demonstrated by the student in Test 1 of the assessment.
    The assessment tests and the OLS language courses are free of charge for students.

    More info: http://www.proalv.pt/erasmusmais/acao-1/acao1-ensino-superior/2014-2015.html

    The credentials are triggered by the IOR.

  • 70. Who can help me fill in the learning/training agreement and the pre-academic recognition documents?

    The Erasmus Departmental Coordinators.You should contact them using the following contact details:

    Department of Psychology and Education - Isabel Miguel - erasmus+_dpe@upt.pt;

    Department of Law - Studies in Law - Fátima Castro Moreira - erasmus+_dd@upt.pt;

    Department of Law - Studies in International Relations - Rui Garrido - erasmus+_dd@upt.pt;

    Department of Economics and Management - Mónica Azevedo - erasmus+_deg_gestao@upt.pt

    Department of Science and Technology - Isabel Seruca - erasmus+_dct@upt.pt

    Department of Tourism Heritage and Culture - Helena Albuquerque - erasmus+_dtpc@upt.pt

    Department of Architecture and Multimedia - Rui Florentino - erasmus+_damg@upt.pt

  • 71. Can my study plan at the host university be changed?

    Upon arrival at the host university, you have until 30th November to carry out amendments to the learning agreement, using for that purpose the second sheet, of amendments, of that document. The changes must be approved by the CDE of the home university.

    Keep in mind that the learning agreement/training agreement is a document the original of which must be in your possession at all times during the mobility and is the document that confirms that you are an internationally mobile student.

  • 72. Should I contact the host university before I leave?

    Yes, before departure, you should contact the destination university to clarify the procedures necessary to effect the application and obtain other relevant information, such as obtaining accommodation, language course, school calendar, etc.

    All these matters are the responsibility of the student. In case of any difficulty during this process, you should ask the IRO for help.

    Please note that often the application is made online and has pre-defined deadlines that cannot be exceeded or the mobility will not be authorised by the host university.

  • 73. Do I have to bring any documents with me?

    Yes. Before departure, you should go to the IRO to collect the signed and stamped learning agreement/training agreement, academic pre-recognition document, declaration of arrival at the destination university/company and declaration of stay.

    The declaration of arrival is filled in by the student and delivered at the IRO of the host university or at the enterprise and sent after signed and stamped to UPT by fax or e-mail, at the moment of the student arrival. It will include the mobility start date.

    The declaration of stay is made by the student and delivered to the IRO of the host university or in the company, at the time of departure of the student; It will contain the start and end date of the mobility that will confirm the fulfilment of the time of stay for the purposes of payment of the grant.

    If traveling by TAP, the student can request at the IRO a declaration to take more luggage at no extra cost.

  • 74. Will I get any insurance at the host university/company?

    Yes, the UPT insurance covers the risks inherent to the study activities or internship. However, you should with the help of the departmental coordinator find out if another type of insurance is required by the host institution, which is the student's responsibility.

    In the case of mobility by traineeship, a personal accident insurance is mandatory.

  • 75. And when I return?

    When you return you should go to the IRO to hand in your certificate of stay and you will be asked to fill in a mobility evaluation survey prepared by UPT.

    You will have 15 days to respond to the survey on the Mobility Tool platform, for which you will be notified by email.

  • 76. How will academic recognition be done after my SMS?

    The host university will issue a final evaluation certificate (Transcript of Records) listing the approved and unsuccessful course units, with reference to the number of credits and grade obtained.

    After receiving it at Portucalense University, the departmental coordinator issues the equivalence document stating the course attended and its location, and the curricular units to which equivalences are given with reference to the number of credits and final grade obtained.

  • 77. How will academic recognition be done after my SMP?

    The tutor of the host company will make a final report containing the quantitative assessment, through a scale questionnaire and a qualitative assessment which describes the involvement and contribution of the trainee in the different stages of the internship. Finally, this report will also include a summary assessment of the trainee's strengths and weaknesses.

    The student has to submit to the departmental coordinator a technical report that will be evaluated by an evaluation committee after being presented and defended.

    All these components will enable the final quantitative assessment to be made. An equivalence document will be issued, containing the identification of the internship carried out (location, scientific area), the curricular units to which equivalences are given, with reference to the number of credits and the final grade obtained. This document is delivered by the departmental coordinator to the international relations office, which in turn sends it to the academic secretariat for the entry of grades for academic recognition.


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