Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique
Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment
The main objective of the International Credited Mobility (ICM) project is the consolidation of cooperation between UPT and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) outside the European Union (EU), in particular to promote the mobility of incoming students and the sharing of best practices through the mobility of teachers and staff.
15 December 2020, from 5pm to 7pm, by Dr Samantha Coyle from Montclair State University, USA.
Samantha Coyle – Profile Pages – Montclair State University
Topic: ‘Comprehensive psychological assessment within schools’, aimed at UPT undergraduate and masters students in psychology.
– Cross-cultural exploration of digital stress in emerging adulthood
– Adjustment to pandemic COVID19 in young adults: cross-cultural analysis of subjective experiences and protective factors
– The impact of pandemic COVID19 on social anxiety during adolescence and youth
Consult Here
Yetong Zhang, Erasmus+ ICM (International Credit Mobility) student at Jinggangshan University, Ji’an, Republic of China, working in Biodiversity- Centro Ciência Viva, Porto
In 2018, the UPT Conservation and Restoration Clinic was requested by the services of the Biodiversity Gallery – Living Science Centre / Museum of Natural History and Sciences of the University of Porto to carry out some maintenance and restoration work of teaching materials such as replicas and models of fish, birds and little soldiers that are part of the permanent exhibition of the gallery.
There were small resin soldiers with fractures in their feet and one or another situation of detachment or loss of elements that were restored in the UPT Restoration Clinic.
The group of suspended animals, namely a goldfish, a lungfish and a waterfowl, modelled with foam and covered with epoxy putty, showed some damage, such as: small gaps in the waterfowl’s wing, and in the fin of the goldfish. The most serious damage was in the lungfish that presented body detachment in the right pectoral fin and fracture in the right pelvic fin and also flaws in the terminal part of the body, in the tail and above all serious gaps in the lateral elements of the respiratory apparatus. The aim of the intervention was to physically stabilize all the pieces, closing and consolidating the cracks, repositioning the fractured elements and reconstituting missing parts, legitimized with photographic support. All the restoration took place in the museum, as there were some immovable pieces.
The work was carried out by Yetong Zhang, an Erasmus + ICM student from Jinggangshan University in Ji’an, Republic of China, who did this internship at the Clinic and Museum while studying at UPT between September 2018 and February 2019.
Internship carried out by the students Yongan Xue. Xiaoxue Chen and Yi Ding at the Conservation and Restoration Centre of UPT, from September 2019 to February 2020
The intervention was attended by students Yongan Xue. Xiaoxue Chen and Yi Ding, Erasmus+ ICM students (…) during their internship at the Clínica. They were responsible, in particular, for the work of reconstitution of the missing elements and structural reinforcement with the application of liquid plaster and gauze. In general, the experience was very positive and even rewarding from the point of view of learning, the transmission of knowledge and cultural exchange. The students were always exceptionally cooperative and able to learn quickly, understanding the processes, carrying out the tasks to the end and in the appropriate sequences. They developed a certain critical and operational capacity, even suggesting small changes according to the problems they encountered. They showed an extraordinary capacity for understanding all the processes related to the subject of their training period, trying to clearly know the history and nature of the manufacture and use of plaster, as well as all kinds of methodologies and their variants, in a more general perspective of conservation and restoration interventions. They demonstrated an excellent capacity for integration in teamwork and interaction with the supervisor, with great curiosity and an excellent ease of communication, willingly exchanging experiences and showing a desire to know and integrate. The linguistic and cultural differences were never an impediment to interact (…) but rather a factor of human enrichment and promoter of diversity in knowledge.
Since I came to the United States of America I have had an amazing time, I have met new people who have helped me a lot, my English has also improved a lot and I have learned a lot about this new culture. It has been a great experience and even with the ups and downs it has led me to excellent opportunities for the future and I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be here. All the efforts needed to make this project possible were worth it.
Beatriz Soares
My name is Bruno Teixeira and I am one of the UPT University students studying in the United States of America. The university I am currently at, thanks to the ERAMUS+ programme, is called SUNY Potsdam. This university, located in the state of New York, is quite big and a great place to get knowledge. The amount of work they give you here is pretty intense, but I’ve learned a lot from the experience I’m having here so far and I’m enjoying it. The infrastructure is amazing. It snows a lot, but the residences are big and cosy. There are three restaurants to choose from and this university has its own gym and pool. Everyone is kind at this university and I’ve made a lot of friends. This is being a great experience in my life and I will never forget these moments.
Bruno Teixeira
I am a Hospitality Management student at Universidade Portucalense and I am studying in the United States at SUNY Potsdam University in the ICM program. It has been a fantastic experience, very different minds from the ones I was used to in Portugal, different teaching methods and above all the demand is much higher but all teachers and students welcomed me and it is worth it! I strongly advise everyone interested in this experience as it will certainly change the way the world comes!
Pedro Pinho
Under the Erasmus + – International Credit Mobility programme, the American student Cara Aguirre, 35, originally from California and studying in New York, chose Universidade Portucalense to do an international study experience in the areas of Tourism and Culture. She did an internship at Quinta do Noval and dreams of “one day owning a vineyard”.
In May last year, Cara visited the Universidade Portucalense for the first time, to take part in the international conference “Climate change and Wine Tourism – the view of experts on Agriculture, Tourism and Wine Tourism”, where she presented a paper, as a student from Potsdam University in New York. The hospitality she felt at that moment challenged her to learn more about Portuguese culture. Recognising the opportunity, she applied for the Erasmus programme and arrived at UPT in September.
She recalls that she found “very welcoming students, very attentive teachers and a different teaching”. She considers that “Portuguese education deals with practical issues, while education in the United States focuses more on research work, debates and evaluations. In Portugal, the education system prepares students to be successful in the field they plan to work in. I believe this is a great advantage!”
Integrated in the Tourism degree (3rd year), she did an internship at Quinta do Noval. “I worked with Portuguese colleagues, which was very important for me. I really wanted to learn the language and this opportunity allowed me to learn a lot about the culture and history of Portugal.”
Passionate about Porto, she carries in her heart “the churches, the banks of Vila Nova de Gaia, the Estádio do Dragão and the Aliados” and leaves us with her favourite quote: “A positive attitude can really make dreams come true”.
Cara Aguirre, Erasmus+ ICM Incoming student, from SUNY, USA, doing a 3 months study mobility, is doing an internship at Quinta do Noval, one of the partner entities of Universidade Portucalense. Portucalense. http://www.quintadonoval.com/en/
The reception of tourists at Quinta do Noval has also been carried out since September and until November by an American student from the state of New York..
From JINGGANGSHAN UNIVERSITY, China to UPT 1 teacher/staff x 18 days
From UPT to JINGGANGSHAN UNIVERSITY, China 1 teacher/staff x 15 days
From UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL OURO PRETO, Brazil to UPT 1 teacher/staff x 30 days or 2 teachers x 14 days
From UPT to UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL OURO PRETO, Brazil 2 teachers/staff x 14 days (1 in 2018 and another in 2019)
From UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL OURO PRETO, Brazil to UPT 2 students x 10 months 1 student x 7 months
The European HEI best-practices are used to prepare and to monitor student’s mobility.
Emphasis is placed on the incoming flows, with the following purposes:
Partner HEI selects the students according to a transparent and documented process, following the prerequisites agreed by both institutions.
Students must:
The selection process will take into account:
The first step after selection is to provide the Erasmus+ Student charter setting out the student’s rights and obligations.
After student’s selection, the learning agreement is signed by the student and both HEIs.
UPT sends the acceptance letter to the IRO of sending institution which proves that the student has been accepted at the host institution for a determined period of mobility, under Erasmus+ programme.
The participant grant agreement should be signed between the student and the ICM coordinator where the financial support and payment arrangements are set out. For master projects, the research work plan and the supervisors at both HEIs are defined.
Assistance on visa and insurance is provided by both sending and hosting institutions, although it is student’s responsibility. Housing is sought by the student with UPT’s international relations office help.
For students with special needs, it is mandatory a document that specifically proves the actual status of vulnerability and the host Institution must be informed about any necessary special logistics.
The ICM students study at UPT for a mobility period of 7 or 10 months according to the signed learning agreements. It lasts from middle October 2017 to middle August 2018 or from middle February to middle September 2018.
For master degrees, a final public defense will take place at UPT by the end of the mobility period.
In case the student wants and has permission to extend the period of mobility, with zero grant, he/she must fill a demand for extension, one month before the ending of the mobility.
The transcript of records is issued, guaranteeing the recognition at the home institution of all credits completed at UPT.
Besides, a report of the activities may be issued to recognize informal learning and extra courses as for example, language courses and training and research activities. A certificate of attendance in original version will be given to the student with the dates of the days of mobility. These dates must be in line with the ones established in the contract.
The participant in mobility for studies shall receive an invitation to complete the online EU Survey 30 days before the end of the mobility period. The participant shall complete and submit the survey within 5 days upon receipt of the invitation.
Incoming ICM student must also fill a questionnaire for monitoring his/her mobility at UPT.
Partner HEIs select the teachers/staff according to a transparent and documented process, following the prerequisites agreed by both institutions.
Teachers must:
The selection process will take into account:
Staff must:
The selection process will take into account:
After teachers/staff selection, the teaching/training agreement is signed by the teacher/staff and both HEIs.
UPT sends the acceptance letter to the IRO of sending institution which proves that the teacher/staff has been accepted at the host institution for a determined period of mobility. The teacher/staff may use it for the visa process.
The grant contract should be signed by the teacher/staff and the ICM coordination where the obligations and rights of the participant are described.
Assistance on visa and insurance is provided by both sending and hosting institutions, although it is teacher’s/staff’s responsibility. Housing is sought by the teacher/staff with UPT’s international relations office help.
For teachers/staff with special needs, it is mandatory a document that specifically proves the actual status of vulnerability and the host Institution must be informed about any necessary special logistics.
UPT ICM Meeting
For incoming staff for teaching/training, UPT organizes an annual Staff meeting together with Erasmus+ International Staff Week for training and teaching purposes where all partners (from Europe and abroad) staff members are invited. It will take place in the last two weeks of April and first week of May 2018.
The meeting programme includes:
The visit to UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL OURO PRETO, Brazil, will take place in the last three weeks of January 2018.
The visit to JINGGANGSHAN UNIVERSITY, China, will take place in final October and beginning of November 2017.
UPT’s outgoing staff mobility is used to promote the ICM project at the partner HEI (to both students and staff). The agenda includes:
The participant shall complete and submit the EU survey within 5 days upon receipt of the invitation.
He/she must also fill a questionnaire for monitoring his/her mobility at UPT.
Survey to HEIs’ staff about visits to UPT;
Survey to UPT’s staff about visits to HEIs partner;
Survey to Incoming students from HEIs partners at the end of their mobility at UPT;
Publication of ongoing research results.
Flyer about ICM project.
UPT’s newsletters.
Videos about visits both at UPT and HEI partners.
Local or national newspapers.
Isabel Vaz Freitas, Diretora do Departamento de Turismo, Património e Cultura esteve recentemente na China, no âmbito do projeto “KA107 Erasmus+”, que a Universidade Portucalense está a desenvolver no âmbito dos museus e da identidade cultural.
Incoming Erasmus students from Jinggangshan University (Republic of China), our ICM partner, were among us between March and August 2018. As students in the field of museology, they have collaborated in a joint project of both universities, within the scope of Museums and identity. In the first phase, they cleaned the pieces that were stored in the São João Novo Church, in Porto. Then, they carried out other activities for the achievement of a temporary exhibition, under the supervision of the resident technician of UPT’s Conservation and Restoration Clinic: selecting the pieces and arranging them in display rooms, for the telling of the story of the Steps of the Passion of Christ.
As estudantes Erasmus Incoming da Universidade de Jinggangshan (República da China), nossa parceira ICM, estiveram entre nós entre Março e Agosto de 2018. Sendo da área da museologia, colaboraram num projeto conjunto entre ambas universidades, no âmbito dos Museus e identidade. Numa primeira fase, executaram tarefas de limpeza das peças que se encontravam guardadas na Igreja São João Novo, no Porto. Supervisionadas pelo técnico residente da Clinica de Conservação e Restauro da UPT, levaram a cabo os passos de uma exposição temporária: escolha das peças e seleção e disposição em salas contando a “história” dos Passos da Paixão de Cristo.
A Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brasil, e Universidade Portucalense apresentaram três trabalhos na III Conferência Internacional de Turismo & História – III T&H 2019 – em Faro (Portugal) entre os dias 28 e 29 de março de 2019. A parceria entre as instituições é apoiada pelo programa Erasmus+ ICM e já permitiu que três discentes e um docente realizassem mobilidade internacional.
The Federal University of Ouro Preto and Universidad Portucalense presented three papers at the III International Conference on Tourism & History – III T & H 2019 – in Faro (Portugal) between 28 and 29 March 2019. The partnership between the institutions is supported by the program Erasmus + ICM and has already allowed three students and one teacher to undertake international mobility.
A UPT tem uma parceria com a State University de Nova Iorque in Potsdam, EUA, na área da investigação, desde 2011. Essa Universidade obteve financiamento não europeu para um projeto de mobilidade relacionado com as questões das alterações climáticas e o turismo. Neste contexto, 16 estudantes norte-americanos selecionados pela universidade de origem e 4 professores das áreas do Turismo, Economia e estudos de Território fizeram uma visita à UPT, em maio de 2018. A cidade do Porto foi estudo de caso para apresentarem trabalhos, iniciados nos EUA, sobre alterações climáticas e o turismo, complementando a perceção da cidade/turismo com a perceção durante a própria viagem/visita ao Porto. Esta parceria com a State University of Nova Iorque in Potsdam acabou por ser consubstanciada entretanto, com a aprovação do II UPT ICM (2018-2020) em Junho de 2018. Passa a ser também parceira ICM, tornando assim possível que as áreas de cooperação sejam intensificadas através de mobilidades financiadas de staff e de estudantes, tanto Incoming como Outgoing.
May 22
May 23
Invited Speakers:
May 24
May 25
Visit to Salinas and Eco Museu da Troncalhada – Climate change and Coastal Tourism Visit to Aveiro
May 26
Visit to Guimarães Wine taste and agriculture
May 27
Visit to Amarante
UPT estuda efeitos do clima na produção de vinho/ UPT studies climate effects on wine production
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