Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Internal Denunciation Channel

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique – Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, Crl. (UPT) provides this internal denunciation channel, in compliance with the provisions of article 8 of the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption (RGPC) and under the terms of the General Regime for the Protection of Whistleblowers (RGPDI).

UPT repudiates any manifestations that may constitute abuse of power, moral and sexual harassment, improper conduct, conflicts of interest, corruption and related offences, discrimination, fraud, theft and misuse of UPT resources, among other practices harmful to the rights of persons belonging to the UPT Community, to UPT’s interests or that may negatively affect UPT’s image, assuming the firm commitment to act accordingly and in proportion to the circumstances of each reported situation.

The prevention, detection and sanctioning of misconduct depends on the submission of factually detailed and objective reports.

The appropriate and required treatment of the report implies a presentation of the report in as much detail and objectively as possible, with a detailed description of the dates or periods of time covered, facts, persons and/or entities involved, places where they occurred, and other elements considered relevant.

Whistleblower protection is granted to any natural person who reports an infringement based on information obtained in the course of their professional activity carried out at and/or for the UPT.

Whistleblowing may be carried out by people within the UPT Community and by people outside UPT, in one of two ways:

Whistleblowing with confidentiality guarantee: the confidentiality of the whistleblower is guaranteed and the personal data provided by the whistleblower are processed under the terms stipulated in the RGPDI, in compliance with the RGPD and under the terms of the legal information presented and the informed consent;
Anonymous whistleblowing: no personal data is collected from the whistleblower, who submits the complaint anonymously.

To make your report, click on one of the options below, depending on whether you wish to report anonymously or confidentially

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