Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment


Research Centres



Pole at Portucalense University




Research Policy


The Research Policy adopted by the Universidade Portucalense is based on a set of principles, values and guidelines shaped by a vision of value creation of R&D for society.

As the production of knowledge is one of the central elements of the mission of the UPT, its ultimate goal is to contribute to the development of the community in which the University is inserted, not only in the scientific and technological, but also economic, social, cultural and environmental fields.

In this context, the investment in research at UPT is seen as an investment that tends to be financially sustainable. This means that, without neglecting the effort made by the institution itself in terms of supporting the production of knowledge, its research policy is strongly committed to attracting external funding, both through national and foreign entities linked to the scientific and technological environment, and through the development of interface projects with companies and other organisations, namely in the public sphere.

CIAUD-UPT - Research centre for Arquitecture, Urbanism and Design

The ESG RESEARCH CENTRE (Ci-ESG) constitutes the restructured entity, in 2011, from the merger of the two previous R&TD bodies of the Gallaecia Higher School:

CICRA – Research Centre for Rural Constructions and Environment.
CIAD – Centre for Research in Art and Design

The Research Centre for Rural Construction and Environment (CICRA), created in 1999 and approved by the Scientific Council in 2002, and the Research Centre for Art and Design (CIAD), created and approved by the Scientific Council in 2005, have been consistently developing scientific research, providing services to the community and to the region, and consulting, in their fields of expertise.

Besides the research projects integrated in national and international R&D programmes, the work methodically developed has also covered the contents of ESG curricular units, as well as research carried out in the scope of graduation dissertations, and finally research and publication of Master’s dissertations and PhD thesis of ESG teachers.

The increase of the scientific production of the School, the integration of new Researchers (widening the spectrum and specialization of the scientific domains) and the regular articulation of the research areas, determined their joint reformulation and the consequent derivation in 3 more defined Research lines.

Research Centre for Legal Sciences with the main goal of promoting, supporting and disseminating scientific research in this area of knowledge produced at the University of Portucalense and at the Polytechnic Institutes of Leiria and Lisbon, its strategic partners, namely through institutional support to projects of its researchers and through partnerships with similar national and foreign research units.

REMIT - Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies

Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Universidade Portucalense. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, under two dimensions:

  • the understanding of local, national and international environment;
  • the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.
I2P - Portucalense Institute of Psychology

Portucalense Institute for Psychology (I2P) is a R&D unit devoted to the study of cognition and behavior in the fields of Translational and Applied Psychology with a strong focus on community outreach.
In order to achieve its mission of promoting and dissemination of scientific knowledge, advanced training and community outreach, I2P is organized in three vectors:

  • Production and Dissemination of Scientific Knowlede
  • Community Outreach
  • Advanced Training


Ethics Committee for Health

Alongside these four units, there is an Ethics Committee for Health, a multidisciplinary and independent University body, of consultative nature, which aims to ensure the observance and promotion of standards of integrity, honesty and quality in the internal and external actions of the units that integrate UPT, as well as in the conduct of its members, in all activities associated with the health area.

In organisational terms, the four research units as well as the Ethics Committee for Health are part of the Rectory for Research, coordinated by the Rector, Professor Fernando Ramos.


Ethics Committee for Health

The Ethics Committee for Health is a UPT body, multidisciplinary and independent, of consultative nature, which aims to ensure the observance and promotion of standards of integrity, honesty and quality in the internal and external performances of the units that integrate UPT, as well as in the conduct of its members, in all activities associated with the health area and in compliance with the legal framework defined in Decree-Law no. 80/2018 of 15 October.

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