Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Masters in Law – Specialisation in Legal and Political Sciences


2 years












2 years











*20 total places for application (shared among the various branches of this Master’s program).

*72 total places for application (shared among the various branches of this Master’s program).


  • Integration of Masters students in the IJP – Instituto Jurídico Portucalense and in the respective research projects, boosting the research component and publication of papers from the first year

  • Close relationship between professors and students, allowing them to be challenged to research themes in cooperation with professors, to discuss them in class and to publish scientific articles about them in journals of recognized scientific merit

  • Dissemination and constant promotion of internship and employment opportunities for Master’s students


The Masters in Law has a four-semester duration and constitutes the continuation of an initial training in this scientific field, through a more specialised aaproach in the Legal and Political Sciences areas. It aims to deepen the knowledge gained during the first cycle of studies, as well as the study of more specific legal subjects. The course provides a serious and sensitive response to the current global labour market. The academic part of the course aims at guiding the student towards the acquisition of knew specialised knowledge trhough a set of mandatory and optional curricular units to be defined each year.

The course also includes a set of seminars, to be presented by prestigious professionals from different lawyers’ societies with which the Law Department has partnerships. This characteristic introduces  active dynamic and a wider variety of visions that enrich training. Furthermore, the after-labour schedule allows the accumulation of its attendance with a professional activity.

*72 total places for application (shared among the various branches of this Master’s program).

Publication in the Diário da República, 2nd Series – No. 43 – March 2, 2022 – Announcement No. 42/2022

Why choose this course?

Professional life requires thorough knowledge. The labour market is increasingly searching for more specialised skills. The Masters in Law is a way twoards this expertise and an asset for competitiveness in the job market. It is also the way for those seeking continuity in their training, being an asset to a solid education and academic renewal.

Career Prospects

Lawyers specializing in Public International Law, Constitutional Law and Constitutional Compared Systems and Fundamental Rights. It is also appropriate training for all Lawyers wishing to join International Organizations.


With the 2nd degree  in Law, it is intended that students consolidate the legal knowledge acquired, leading them to a scientific research perspective that allows them to:

  • Apply the main legal and dogmatic frameworks in the area of specialization of each UC;
  • Discuss new existing problems;
  • Develop specialized skills for the exercise of different legal professions;
  • Develop the ability to critically analyze and adopt positions in relation to different legal problems;
  • Apply the knowledge acquired in scientific events organized, for the purpose, by the Law Department and in partnership with external entities.
Diploma or Certificate Awarded

The present diploma confers the qualification in Master in Law: Specialisation in Legal and Political Sciences (120 ECTS) or, with the conclusion of the 1st year, a Specialisation in Legal and Political Sciences (60 ECTS).

Post-Graduate and Advanced Formative Offer

[non-degree courses]

[non-degree courses]

Scientific Areas

The Master is organized in 2 semesters that correspond to the curricular structure, plus 1 year dedicated to the preparation, realization and presentation of a dissertation defense.
The course is equivalent to 60 ECTS for the curricular part and 60 ECTS for the preparation, realization and presentation of the dissertation, which makes a total of 120 ECTS credits in the following scientific areas:

Scientific Areas Compulsory ECTS Optional ECTS
Political Science
Study Plan

1st year

2nd year

Annual Scientific Areas ECTS

In a direct relationship with the scientific areas and study plan of the Master in Law, the IJP/ Instituto Jurídico Portucalense is a legal science research center whose main objective is to promote, support and disseminate scientific research in this area of knowledge produced at the Universidade Portucalense and at the Polytechnic Institutes of Leiria and Lisbon, its strategic partners, namely through institutional support for research projects of its researchers and partnerships with similar national and foreign research units.

Bárbara Magalhães

Coordinator of the Masters in Law:
Specialisation in Legal and Political Sciences

DL/ Department of Law

Masters in Law:
Specialisation in Legal and Political Sciences

Bárbara Magalhães

Coordinator of the Masters in Law:
Specialisation in Legal and Political Sciences

DL/ Department of Law

Masters in Law:
Specialisation in Legal and Political Sciences

Price List
Applications 198€(a)

(a) Exempt for former students who have completed a degree course at Universidade Portucalense;

(a) Exempt for students applying to change course within Universidade Portucalense;

(a) Exempt for students applying for re-entry;

Registation 364€(b)

(b) exempt for students applying for a Change of Course within Universidade Portucalense;

  • September: Exempt in the year of registration (c)
  • February: 209 €


(c) the exemption will be applied in February if the student only registers for the 2nd semester, in the year of registration.

Tuition Fee
  • If registration is annual (registration for Curricular Units in the 1st and 2nd semester)

You can opt for a single payment (September) and you'll get a 3% discount::  4394,10€ (d)


You can choose to pay in 11 months (starting in September and ending in July): 411,90€ x 11 MONTHS

  • If the registration is for a semester (registration for Curricular Units for only one semester)

You can opt for a one-off payment (at the beginning of the semester) and you'll get a 2% discount: 2219,70 € (d)


You can choose to pay in 5 months (starting in September or February): 453€ x 5 MONTHS

(d) Students under the International Student Competition cannot opt for the monthly payment.

Requests for recognition and accreditation of competences 211€(e)
Recognition of equivalence of curricular units (value per ECTS) 9€(e)

(e) exempt for curricular units taken at Universidade Portucalense

Exam registration for people over 23 and holders of dual certification courses 103€(f)

(f) the amount will be deducted from the application fee if you pass the exam and formalize your application.

Years of Dissertation (Master's) and Thesis (Doctorate)

The attendance fee will only be 50% of the attendance fee set for the part of the course in the current year.

Value per ECTS 15,10€
Mandatory minimum tuition fee 151,00€ X 5 meses
School Insurance 38,00€



(a) Exempt for former students who have completed a degree course at Universidade Portucalense;

(a) Exempt for students applying to change course within Universidade Portucalense;

(a) Exempt for students applying for re-entry;



(b) exempt for students applying for a Change of Course within Universidade Portucalense;


  • September: Exempt in the year of registration (c)
  • February: 209 €

(c) the exemption will be applied in February if the student only registers for the 2nd semester, in the year of registration.

Tuition Fee

  • If registration is annual (registration for Curricular Units in the 1st and 2nd semester)

You can opt for a single payment (September) and you’ll get a 3% discount::  4394,10€ (d)


You can choose to pay in 11 months (starting in September and ending in July): 411,90€ x 11 MONTHS

  • If the registration is for a semester (registration for Curricular Units for only one semester)

You can opt for a one-off payment (at the beginning of the semester) and you’ll get a 2% discount: 2219,70 € (d)


You can choose to pay in 5 months (starting in September or February): 453€ x 5 MONTHS

(d) Students under the International Student Competition cannot opt for the monthly payment.

Requests for recognition and accreditation of competences


Recognition of equivalence of curricular units


(e) exempt for curricular units taken at Universidade Portucalense

Exam registration for people over 23 and holders of dual certification courses


(f) the amount will be deducted from the application fee if you pass the exam and formalize your application.

Years of Dissertation (Master's) and Thesis (Doctorate)

The attendance fee will only be 50% of the attendance fee set for the part of the course in the current year.

Value per ECTS


Mandatory minimum tuition fee

151,00€ X 5 meses

School Insurance


Applications + Registration + Enrolment + Insurance
Application 192€
exempt for former students (with a degree programme completed at UPT)
Registration 353€
single act per course
School Insurance 36€


September fee waived on enrolment
Exemption will be applied in February if the student only enrols in the 2nd semester, in the year of enrolment
February 203€


192,00 €

Registration (single act per course)

353,00 €


36,00 €



Fee waived in the year of enrolment**


203,00 €

*Exempt for former students (with degree course completed at UPT)
**Exemption will be applied in February if the student only enrols in the 2nd semester, in the year of enrolment

Applications + Enrollment (Students coming from the 1st Cycle at UPT)
Application 0€
Registration 353€
ato único por curso
School Insurance 36€


September fee waived on enrolment
February 203€
within the deadline


September fee waived on enrolment
exemption will be applied in February if the student registers for the 2nd semester, in the year of enrolment
February 213€
past the deadline

Within the deadline

Past the deadline




Registration (single act per course)



School Insurance










**Exemption will occur in February if the student only applies for the 2nd semester in the year of enrolment

Annual Payment Plan
Single Payment 4298.07€
In September


Monthly Payment 398.30€
11 instalments (September to July)

Tuition Fee (for 60 ECTS)

11 Installments (September to July)


398,30 €

3% discount September


4.298,07 €

Semester Payment Plan
six-monthly payment 2146.44€
(2% discount September or February)


Monthly Payment 438.30€
September to January or February to June

Tuition Fee (for 30 ECTS)

5 instalments (September to January or February to June)


438,30 €

2% discount September or February


2.146,44 €

Curriculum Part - Monthly Tuition (5 months)
Price per ETCS 14.61€
Minimum compolsury tuition fee (10 ECTS) 146.10€

Price per ECTS

14,61 €

Minimum compulsory tuition fee (10 ECTS)


146,10 €

2nd year - Dissertation ***
Single act (1 instalment) 353€ (within the deadline)
July to september


Single act (1 instalment) 370€ (past the deadline)
July to september
Single act (2 instalment) 203€ (within the deadline)


Single act (2 instalment) 213€ (past the deadline)

Attendance fees

50% of the curricular part prices

***Following years, in case of non-completion of the course within 2 years.

Within the Deadline

Past the Deadline

Single Act (1 installment)

July to September

353,00 €

370,00 €

Single Act (2 installments)


203,00 €

213,00 €


203,00 €

213,00 €

Attendance Fees

50% of the curricular part prices

***Following years, in case of non-completion of the course within 2 years.

Applications + Registration + Enrolment + Insurance
Application 192€
exempt for former students (with a degree programme completed at UPT)
Registration 353€
single act per course
School Insurance 36€


September fee waived on enrolment
Exemption will be applied in February if the student only enrols in the 2nd semester, in the year of enrolment
February 203€


192,00 €

Registration (single act per course)

353,00 €


36,00 €



Fee waived in the year of enrolment**


203,00 €

*Exempt for former students (with degree course completed at UPT)
**Exemption will be applied in February if the student only enrols in the 2nd semester, in the year of enrolment

Applications + Enrollment (Students coming from the 1st Cycle at UPT)
Application 0€
Registration 353€
ato único por curso
School Insurance 36€


September fee waived on enrolment
February 203€
within the deadline


September fee waived on enrolment
exemption will be applied in February if the student registers for the 2nd semester, in the year of enrolment
February 213€
past the deadline

Within the deadline

Past the deadline




Registration (single act per course)



School Insurance










**Exemption will occur in February if the student only applies for the 2nd semester in the year of enrolment

Annual Payment Plan
Single Payment 4298.07€
In September


Monthly Payment 398.30€
11 instalments (September to July)

Tuition Fee (for 60 ECTS)

11 Installments (September to July)


398,30 €

3% discount September


4.298,07 €

Semester Payment Plan
six-monthly payment 2146.44€
(2% discount September or February)


Monthly Payment 438.30€
September to January or February to June

Tuition Fee (for 30 ECTS)

5 instalments (September to January or February to June)


438,30 €

2% discount September or February


2.146,44 €

Curriculum Part - Monthly Tuition (5 months)
Price per ETCS 14.61€
Minimum compolsury tuition fee (10 ECTS) 146.10€

Price per ECTS

14,61 €

Minimum compulsory tuition fee (10 ECTS)


146,10 €

2nd year - Dissertation ***
Single act (1 instalment) 353€ (within the deadline)
July to september


Single act (1 instalment) 370€ (past the deadline)
July to september
Single act (2 instalment) 203€ (within the deadline)


Single act (2 instalment) 213€ (past the deadline)

Attendance fees

50% of the curricular part prices

***Following years, in case of non-completion of the course within 2 years.

Within the Deadline

Past the Deadline

Single Act (1 installment)

July to September

353,00 €

370,00 €

Single Act (2 installments)


203,00 €

213,00 €


203,00 €

213,00 €

Attendance Fees

50% of the curricular part prices

***Following years, in case of non-completion of the course within 2 years.

Specific Conditions for Admission

Those who meet the conditions set out in Decree-Law 74/2006 of 26 March, as amended by Decree-Law 115/2013 of 7 August and the Regulations of the study cycle leading to the degree of Master of Law may apply for admission to this cycle of studies:

  1. Bachelor’s Degree Holders in Law or related fields;
  2. Holders of a foreign academic degree, assigned following a 1st cycle of studies in Law or related fields, organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process;
  3. Holders of a foreign academic degree, in Law or related fields, where the Scientific Council recognizes it to meet the goals of a bachelor’s degree to enroll in this 2nd cycle;
  4. Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that the Scientific Council recognizes to attest capacity to accomplish this cycle of studies.
Seriation Criteria

Candidates for access to the 2nd study cycle in Law are ranked according to the merit resulting from the weighted average, as per Annex II, of the Regulatory Norms.

General Conditions for Application
Calendar 2025/2026
1st Phase Beginning End
3rd February
14th March
Display of Results
1st April
1st April
2nd April
9th June
16th June
2ndPhase Beginning End
2nd April
15th May
Display of Results
3rd June
3rd June
4th June
9th June
16th June
3rd Phase Beginning End
4th June
17th July
Display of Results
5th August
5th August
6th August
8th August
13th August
4th Phase Beginning End
5th August
18th September
Display of Results
30th September
30th September
1st October
3rd October
8th October
5th Phase Beginning End
1st October
10th October
Display of results
18th October
18th October
21st October
22nd October
25th October
Who can apply for a Master's degree?
  • Holders of the bachelor degree or legal equivalent;
  • Holders of a foreign academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna process by a state that adheres to that process;
  • Holders of a foreign academic degree that is recognized as meeting the objectives of the bachelor degree by the Scientific Council of  Portucalense University;
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum which is recognized by the Scientific Council of Portucalense University as attesting to their ability to undertake this cycle of studies.

Given their academic and professional background, candidates may submit a request for Application for Recognition and Accreditation of Competences, which may confer equivalence to course units of the Master’s course. Holders of Pre-Bologna licenciado degree who have more than 5 years of professional experience in the area of the master’s degree may request the substitution of the dissertation by a detailed report on the professional activity according to the regulations in force.

Application Documentation
  • Application form, duly filled out;

  • Identification document;

  • Photograph, passport type;

  • Original or certified copy of the document proving the possession of the higher academic degree (except for UPT candidates) (*);

If you wish to apply for equivalences:

(*) These documents must be authenticated according to the legislation in force (Decreto-lei 28 de 13/03/2000).

Application documentation for holders of a foreign higher education degree
  • Own Model, Acknowledgement that the academic degree satisfies the objectives of the degree of licenciado, for the purposes of application to a master’s course, requesting prior recognition by the Scientific Council of the access qualification
    Identification document
    Photograph, passport type
    Document proving the possession of the foreign higher academic degree with an indication of the final mark (*)
    Detailed certificate of the course units that make up the curricular plan of the academic degree (*)
    Updated CV

    (*) The documents must be translated into Portuguese, whenever they are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish and stamped by the consular service or presented with the Haia Apostille affixed by the competent authority of the State where the document originated.

Bachelor's finalist student applications

Students who are finalists in the 1st cycle can apply conditionally to the 2nd cycle of Master’s Degrees at Universidade Portucalense in the 1st and 2nd application phases, provided that on the date of application they have a maximum of 30 ECTS or 5 Curricular Units remaining to complete their degree.

  • 1st phase applications: February 3rd to March 14th;
    2nd stage applications: April 2nd to May 15th;


The average grade to be considered for the selection of finalist students will be calculated according to the following formula:



a) Identification document
b) Curriculum vitae
c) Declaration issued by the Higher Education Institution you are attending*, stating the degree you are enrolled in for 2024/2025, your current average (according to the formula shown in the previous point), and the number of ECTS and Curricular Units missing for completion.


Students who are missing more than 30 ECTS or more than 5 Curricular Units to complete their degree cannot apply in the 1st and 2nd phases. They can only apply once they have obtained their diploma and are subject to the existence of spare places.
Applications that do not meet the requirements set out in point 3 c) of this document will be excluded.


Once the placement results have been announced, successful candidates must register by the deadlines set for this purpose and pay the respective fees.
Enrollment 1st and 2nd phases: June 9th to June 16th
The enrolment of candidates who are graduating with a degree is subject to the submission of a certificate of completion. The degree completion certificate must be submitted by the deadline of September 26, 2025. Failure to submit this certificate by the deadline will result in the automatic annulment of the enrolment** and the release of the vacancy, which will be put out to tender again.

*With the exception of UPT undergraduate students.
**There is no refund of the registration fee.


Documentation for Re-entry application:

  • Identification document;
  • Passport type photo;
  • Application for recognition and crediting of skills, according to the regulations in force, if you wish to apply for the equivalence of skills other than those acquired in the course for which you are re-entering.
More Information

For information about the application process please refer to the relevant regulations below or contact our Admissions Office directly. For pedagogical/scientific information please consult the course coordinators:


Admission Office

Enquiries regarding the application can be made by:
email (ingresso@upt.pt) or
Phone (800 270 201)


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