Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Jorge Marques releases book on digital transformation in tourism

Professor Jorge Marques edited, together with Rui Pedro Marques, the book “Digital Transformation of the Hotel Industry: Theories, Practices, and Global Challenges”, which presents a theoretical review, scientific articles, and case studies on Digital Transformation in the hotel industry, by 32 authors from various countries – Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, India, Indonesia, and Mexico.


Aimed at students, professors, researchers, and professionals in the hotel industry, this book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview, with theoretical and practical approaches, on the use of various technological tools in the hotel industry, from communicating with customers to managing and leading processes.

“In the modern hotel industry, interaction with guests can no longer be considered without also taking into account a technological aspect. Whether in a more traditional way, such as online communication and promotion or presence on booking platforms, or through more innovative tools, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, or even the use of drones and robots, the truth is that the tourist experience associated with hotels is increasingly supported by technological experiences,” emphasises Jorge Marques.

He also says that “technology has also proved indispensable for optimising and continuously improving management processes and the operation of services. Therefore, study and research into digital transformation in the hotel industry has never been more relevant”.

Jorge Marques releases book on digital transformation in tourism
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