From 20 October until 30 November, the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) opens an online registration process to collect expressions of interest from students interested in joining a pool of student-evaluators.
The pool of student-evaluators will serve as the basis for selecting the students who will be part of the External Assessment Committees (EACs) that will evaluate the study programmes in operation (ACEF/2324/) and which will be evaluated in 2024.
Students who fulfil all of following conditions may apply:
- Are students in higher education in the current academic year (2023/24) or else have completed a higher education programme in 2021/22 or 2022/23;
- Do not hold any current faculty or staff positions at a higher education institution and have no other contractual ties with such an institution;
- Are either students who have completed at least one curricular year or degree holders (bachelor’s, master’s, integrated master’s, and/or doctorate) in the following group(s):
- Sports
- Sports Science
- Accounting and Taxation
- Civil Engineering
- Training for Early Childhood Educators and Basic School Teachers (1st and 2nd Cycles)
- Management and Administration
- Hotel industry, Tourism, and Leisure
- Marketing and Advertising
Candidates who fulfil the required conditions will be invited to attend a one-day online training course to be held in the first quarter of 2024, on a date and time to be announced in due course.
Attendance at the training session and successful completion of a practical exercise, in accordance with the terms of reference that will be indicated during the training session, are necessary conditions for inclusion in the pool of evaluators.
Those interested should register online using this form.
The deadline for applications is 23h59m on 30 November 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact