Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Academic Motivation in Higher Education: Challenge or Opportunity?

Universidade Portucalense will host the round table “Academic Motivation in Higher Education: Challenge or Opportunity?” on 1 March, at 11am, in the Aula Magna Room.

This will be an opportunity for students, teachers, and leadership to share experiences and debate perspectives on how to promote and sustain student motivation throughout their academic journeys, with the aim of inspiring new approaches and collaborations that benefit the academic community

The initiative was organised by the “Psychology of Motivation” students, a curricular unit in the Psychology degree, with the support of the Student Support Office and the Pedagogical Innovation Office. A video on academic motivation in Higher Education, shot by the students, will be shown as well as a mural of the work done as part of the curricular unit.

Academic Motivation in Higher Education: Challenge or Opportunity?
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