On 11 October, Universidade Portucalense will welcome three leading Portuguese scientists to discuss the advances, challenges, and implications of Artificial Intelligence, in the debate “Artificial Intelligence: Generative or Degenerative?”, at 2.30pm, in auditorium 201.
The event will be attended by Prof. Paulo Novais, Full Professor from the University of Minho, leader of the ISLab laboratory at the ALGORITMI centre, and coordinator of LASI, the largest associated laboratory in Portugal; Prof. Luís Paulo Reis, Associate Professor with Aggregation at FEUP and Director of LIACC – Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory; and Prof. Manuela Veloso, former member of Carnegie Mellon University and current Director of J.P. Morgan AI Research.
During this initiative, experts will discuss how Artificial Intelligence is shaping the world, from increasing efficiency in industrial sectors to the ethical challenges that arise.
It will be an opportunity to understand the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence, as well as to explore use cases in areas such as health, education, and industry. The guests will also reflect on the changes we can expect in the coming years and decades as Artificial Intelligence continues to evolve, transforming the way we live and work.
Prof. Fernando Moreira, Full Professor in the Department of Science and Technology will moderate the talk.
The event, which takes place as part of UPT’s “Touching the future with…” programme, is free to attend by registering here.