Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Teacher Training Plan 2021-2022

The UPT Pedagogical Innovation Office, in collaboration with the Rectory and the Directorate of Human Resources, has developed a Training Plan for teaching staff in the field of pedagogical innovation.

The 2021/2022 training plan includes:

  • Training Actions (duration of 12h to 15h each)
  • Information Sessions (duration of 1h30 to 3h each)

Training Courses

#1 Curriculum development in a pedagogical innovation logic (12h)

#2 Planning a course based on the Project-based Learning - PBL approach (12h)

#3 Assessment for learning: pedagogical feedback as a tool for success (15h)

#4 Design Thinking applied to the teaching activity (15h)

#5 E-learning pedagogy and digital tools to support active learning (3h)

#6 Effective teaching strategies for large classes (1.30h)

#7 Learning and Service (ApS) - pedagogical innovation and community outreach (2h)

#8 Microcredentials: the potential of new approaches for skills accreditation (1.30h)

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