Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Sandra Carvalho – Testimonials

In the Master in Law, Specialization in Legal-Administrative and Tax Sciences aims at the acquisition of specialized knowledge, a deepening of subjects taught in the 1st cycle, in order to meet the demands of the labor market. It translates into a set of course units taught by prestigious professors, who, due to their academic and professional background, provide a qualified and plural vision of the subjects studied. This Master fosters scientific and autonomous research in each area of specialization, increasing the capacity for analysis and critical thinking for a better application to practical situations. Reflects updating, active teaching methodology, dynamism in the classroom, articulation between theoretical training and practical application, preparing the student, uniquely, for entry into academic professions, forensic and consulting. The UPT intends to endow its master students with high standards of conduct, critical reasoning and technical capacity, offering a theoretical and normatively framed training both nationally and internationally.


Sandra Carvalho


In the Master in Law, Specialization in Legal-Administrative and Tax Sciences aims at the acquisition of specialized knowledge, a deepening of subjects taught in the 1st cycle, in order to meet the demands of the labor market. It translates into a set of course units taught by prestigious professors, who, due to their academic and professional background, provide a qualified and plural vision of the subjects studied. This Master fosters scientific and autonomous research in each area of specialization, increasing the capacity for analysis and critical thinking for a better application to practical situations. Reflects updating, active teaching methodology, dynamism in the classroom, articulation between theoretical training and practical application, preparing the student, uniquely, for entry into academic professions, forensic and consulting. The UPT intends to endow its master students with high standards of conduct, critical reasoning and technical capacity, offering a theoretical and normatively framed training both nationally and internationally.


Sandra Carvalho

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