Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Carolina faria – testimonial

Whenever I mention to someone that I am a law student the reaction is always the same, or at least something like this: “Really? Why did you choose that course? Do you want to be just another unemployed person?
I chose to graduate in Law because I believe that through this course and allied to my skills I can improve the community around me, even if it’s to help my grandmother’s neighbour who doesn’t understand the letter she received from the court.
The jurist is not only the one who tries to abolish injustices, but also the one who reduces them in very delicate situations, the so-called “lost causes”. Do I want to be one more unemployed person?
Of course not!
It is precisely for this very reason that I chose Portucalense University. This institution stands out not only for its notable demand, concern and proximity to its students, but also for the fact that it does not limit itself to teaching Law, but also to teaching how to “think Law”.


Carolina Faria

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