Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Hélio Loureiro – Bio

Biographical Summary
Hélio Loureiro

A chef with a career spanning more than thirty years, in 2003 he was elected Chef of the Year by the Portuguese Gastronomic Academy and since then he has been honoured by different organisations including the Portuguese State. Gastronome and researcher of the art of cooking, with a strong connection to the world of wines, author of more than twenty books on gastronomy, presenter of television programmes, chronicler in several publications, he has been invited to join the jury of international and national competitions. He is currently a consultant for the Trivalor Group, Continente, Sonae Fistribuição and SóCatering, as well as ASPOC and maintains a weekly presence on RTP’s Praça da Alegria on Tuesdays.

Biographical Summary
Hélio Loureiro

A chef with a career spanning more than thirty years, in 2003 he was elected Chef of the Year by the Portuguese Gastronomic Academy and since then he has been honoured by different organisations including the Portuguese State. Gastronome and researcher of the art of cooking, with a strong connection to the world of wines, author of more than twenty books on gastronomy, presenter of television programmes, chronicler in several publications, he has been invited to join the jury of international and national competitions. He is currently a consultant for the Trivalor Group, Continente, Sonae Fistribuição and SóCatering, as well as ASPOC and maintains a weekly presence on RTP’s Praça da Alegria on Tuesdays.
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