The Department of Psychology and Education is an organic unit of Portucalense University, intending to contribute to the global mission of this institution. Specifically, the mission of the Department of Psychology and Education is based on three pillars that are interconnected and reinforce each other.
The first pillar is materialized in pre and post-graduate training based on the principles of active, constructive and applied learning throughout life, and that allows to respond to the societal needs and demands and the legal frameworks that underpin the performance of psychologists and educators. In the year 2018/19 the DPE will offer training at the 1st study cycle level in Psychology and Social Education and at the 2nd study cycle level in Clinical and Health Psychology, in Education Sciences with a specialization in Education and Socio-Educational Intervention and in Education Administration and Management. It will also offer a range of post-graduate training initiatives aimed at optimising applied and specialised knowledge. All the DPE’s training offer can be consulted here.
The second pillar is the investment in fundamental and applied research in the core areas of the EPD. We want this research to meet the highest criteria of quality and recognition at a national and international level, and to be the basis for informed, grounded teaching in the areas of specialisation of the teachers and researchers who make up our department. The DPE is in synergy with the Instituto de Desenvolvimento Humano Portucalense (, a research centre that coordinates and articulates the initiatives of production and dissemination of knowledge by the teaching staff and, whenever possible, in collaboration with the student body.
The third pillar includes the connection to the academic and non-academic community. The DPE provides a teaching-learning environment characterised by the creation of the necessary conditions for the success and integral development of students and teachers. The DPE is also linked to the non-academic community, by providing services and establishing collaboration protocols that aim to respond, in the first place, to the needs of this community, but also to the learning and research needs of the DPE. This department has several protocols established with public and private institutions, namely in the scope of curricular internships of the 1st and 2nd study cycles, and invests in their constant updating and diversification.
It is within this dynamic, young and invested framework that the DPE welcomes future students or collaborators. So, welcome to the DPE!

Alexandra Araújo
Department of Psychology and Education