Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Diplomacy, even contrary to some predictions of the 1990s, has never been so active and never been so necessary as in the 21st century. The increase in the number of active International Organizations, the complexity of regional integration dynamics, the transition from unipolarity to mature anarchy make the diplomat, a professional with a plethora of skills, a central figure in international politics. The diplomat is not only the bridge between the domestic aims of the State and the projection of its external agenda, but is also a facilitator and unblocker of major economic investments. It is with this mission in mind that MRID was designed taking into account not only the need to prepare competent professionals in the areas of International Relations and Diplomacy, but also the scarcity of educational offerings in these fields.

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Tiago Lopes


Diplomacy, even contrary to some predictions of the 1990s, has never been so active and never been so necessary as in the 21st century. The increase in the number of active International Organizations, the complexity of regional integration dynamics, the transition from unipolarity to mature anarchy make the diplomat, a professional with a plethora of skills, a central figure in international politics. The diplomat is not only the bridge between the domestic aims of the State and the projection of its external agenda, but is also a facilitator and unblocker of major economic investments. It is with this mission in mind that MRID was designed taking into account not only the need to prepare competent professionals in the areas of International Relations and Diplomacy, but also the scarcity of educational offerings in these fields.

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Tiago Lopes

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