Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Joana Bortone – Testimonials

The multidisciplinary master’s degree offered by the University Portucalense allows the legal professional to update his knowledge with the latest developments in the field. With an extremely qualified faculty, the classes are geared towards the complete improvement of professionals in their day to day, in their respective areas of practice. Without a doubt, the student who completes the master’s degree will be ahead of the professionals of his time. Useful and effective, as it should be!


Joana Bortone


The multidisciplinary master’s degree offered by the University Portucalense allows the legal professional to update his knowledge with the latest developments in the field. With an extremely qualified faculty, the classes are geared towards the complete improvement of professionals in their day to day, in their respective areas of practice. Without a doubt, the student who completes the master’s degree will be ahead of the professionals of his time. Useful and effective, as it should be!


Joana Bortone

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