Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Scholarship Award

With the main objective of supporting the training of specialized professionals and boosting knowledge and innovation, HPSC – High Performance Studies Center is awarding a scholarship (in the amount of the tuition fee) for the 1st edition of the Postgraduate Course in Clinical Fundamentals for Hospital Managers.

Requirements to apply for the scholarship

  • Academic qualifications – Degree level.
  • Professional experience – The degree of suitability between the functions/activities already carried out, directly and/or indirectly related to the activities inherent to the Postgraduate Programme, will be taken into account.)
  • Professional Training – Years of experience

Scholarship Award:

  • The scholarship will be awarded to the candidate who obtains the highest score, taking into account the three criteria defined.

 How to apply:

  • Candidates should send their CV and qualification certificate to the following email address: pg.fcgh@upt.pt The applications will be evaluated by the Postgraduate Coordinators and the results will be announced on October 17th.
Scholarship Award
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