Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

New Bachelor in Industrial Engineering

As of the next academic year, the Universidade Portucalense has a new degree – Engineering and Industrial Management -, which joins the 13 already existing in the various scientific fields. This new course is born from the profound restructuring that the industry, at a global level, is experiencing with the growth of industry 4.0., that is, with digitalization, which requires the need to train professionals with a profile in Engineering and Industrial Management, gifted of strong problem solving skills, based on decision support systems, “big data” and data science, and supported by the knowledge acquired through the exact sciences. The degree plan is supported by a qualified teaching staff, which fully covers the areas of intervention, offering an innovative curriculum, with transversal skills, favoring group work, training with companies and researchers, and the realization of a curricular internship, fundamental for the integration of the student in the labor market. + Information I Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management

New Bachelor in Industrial Engineering
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