Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Pedro Ferreirinha – Testimonial

Prestige, merit and excellence. These are the reasons why I chose the Law degree at Portucalense University, as well as the essential elements for a prosperous and successful future. The UPT trains students gifted with critical legal reasoning, with a marked and unique attitude, capable of dealing with all the practical demands articulated to the rigour of the professional world.
After finishing my degree, my path is now divided between studies and continuous specialisation in the areas of legal and economic sciences, between the European Union, where I am developing several community projects in cooperation with European institutions, between academic journalism, between youth associations and activism, and finally, scientific research in the areas of international taxation, cross-border insolvency, banking regulations and international contracts.
Unquestionably, the course at UPT is the cornerstone, because only with a solid and rigorous training can we overcome the great challenges.


Pedro Ferreirinha

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