Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Academic Calendars

Bachelors and Integrated Master

1st semester

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Years All Departments
Teaching period
11th September to 22nd December 2023
Publish calendar of continuous/mixed assessment exams
9th October 2023
Display schedule of written exams map
25th October 2023
Christmas holidays
23rd December 2023 to 3rd January 2024
Evaluation period
4th January to 17th February 2024
Final continuous assessment of Project at MIAU
8th to 13th January 2024
Carnival Holidays
12th and 13th February 2024
Posting of Marks
1st March 2024
March Special Season
11th to 23rd March 2024

2nd semester

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Years All Departments
Teaching period
19th February to 15th June 2024
Publish calendar of continuous/mixed assessment exams
18th March 2024
Display schedule of written exams map
4th April 2024
Easter holidays
23rd March to 1st April 2024
Academic Break: "Queima das Fitas"
6th to 11th May 2024
Evaluation Period
17th June to 27th July 2024
Final continuous assessment of Project at MIAU
17th to 22nd June 2024
Posting of Marks
31st July 2024
September Special Season
9th to 28th September 2024
Masters and Doctorates

1º Year

1st semester
Teaching period
9th October 2023 to 10th February 2024
Publish calendar of continuous/mixed assessment exams
6th November 2023
Display schedule of written exams map
24th November 2023
Christmas holidays
23rd December 2023 to 3rd January 2024
Evaluation period (normal and resit)
14th to 28th February 2024
Posting of Marks
11th March 2024
March special season
15th to 23rd March 2024
2nd semester
Teaching Period
11th March to 6th July 2024
Publish calendar of continuous/mixed assessment exams
4th April 2024
Display schedule of written exams map
24th April 2024
Easter holidays
25th March to 1st April 2024
Evaluation period (normal and resit)
10th to 23rd July 2024
Posting of Marks
30th July 2024
September special season
9th to 28th September 2024
1st Cycle and Integrated Masters

1st semester

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years DAMG/DST/DL/DEM/DPE/DTHC
Teaching period
9 September to 21 December 2024
Publish calendar of continuous/mixed assessment exams
7th October 2024
Display schedule of written exams map
23rd October 2024
Christmas holidays
23 December 2024 to 3 January 2025
Evaluation period
6th January to 15th February 2025
DAMG Project Evaluation
6 to 11 January 2025
Posting of Marks
28 February 2025
March Special Season
10 to 31 March 2025
March special season posting of marks
14th April 2025

2nd semester

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years DAMG/DST/DL/DEG/DPE/DTHC
Teaching period
17 February to 14 June 2025
Carnival Holidays
3rd and 4th March 2025
Publish calendar of continuous/mixed assessment exams
12 March 2025
Display schedule of written exams map
2nd April 2025
Easter holidays
14th April to 21st April 2025
Academic Break: "Queima das Fitas"
5th to 9th May 2025
Evaluation Period
16 June to 26 July 2025
Project evaluation at DAMG
16 to 21 June 2025
Posting of Marks
8th August 2025
September Special Season
8 to 27 September 2025
September special season posting of marks
10 October 2025
2nd and 3rd Cycle

1st year

1st semester
Teaching period
14 October 2024 to 8 February 2025
Publish calendar of continuous/mixed assessment exams
Until 6th November 2024
Display schedule of written exams map
Until 27th November 2024
Christmas holidays
23 December 2024 to 3 January 2025
Evaluation period
10 February to 1 March 2025
Posting of Marks
10th March 2025
March Special Season
19th to 31st March 2025
March special season posting of marks
7th April 2025
2nd semester
Teaching period
17th March to 5th July 2025
Publish calendar of continuous/mixed assessment exams
10th April 2025
Display schedule of written exams map
30th April 2025
Easter holidays
14th April to 21st April 2025
Evaluation Period
7th July to 26th July 2025
Posting of Marks
1st August 2025
September Special Season
8 to 27 September 20255
September Special Season posting of marks
3 October 2025
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