Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Psychology Students Association

Message from the Vice-President

The Association main mission seeks to go beyond the opportunities to broaden knowledge in the various areas of our course, it aims to conciliate the continuity of learning in a second home environment for our students. Here, all students are, and deserve to be, welcomed. All the individual characteristics (e.g. more extrovert profile; more reserved profile; difficulties in exposure; critical thinking skills; interest/like for arts or advertising; among many others) of our students can contribute to different perspectives, a new look to the future and have a place in decision making and planning. To the students, we wish that they live the association as a team, where the difficulties of one are overcome by the facilities of the other. We want you to experience the association as a space where we can all learn from each other and where out of the box or ‘absurd’ ideas are welcome!

Sometimes, the arrival of a good idea can arise from something as simple and ordinary as a derisory debate. The secret, in this house, is to deconstruct and annex the different ideas together, gathering with open, critical and reflective eyes, the “whys” and the “what ifs” to build our answer. In the association, room always opens up for the arrival of a new opinion or a new member.”

To quote Whitney Houston and our esteemed vice-chancellor António Ferrão Filipe, YOU ARE THE BEST and the pleasure is all ours in having you joining us.

Inês Moreira


The association of Psychology Students from Portucalense University (NEP UPT), was created in 2010 and was born from the ambition to promote activities of the 1st and/or 2nd study cycles (Bachelors and Masters) in Psychology, in curricular and extracurricular scopes, as a means of encouraging greater proactivity of Psychology students and former students of the University.

Main Objectives

  • Representing the students of 1st and/or 2nd cycle (Bachelors and Masters)  in Psychology in scientific and management organs of the University;
  • Meet the needs of students and teachers;
  • Cooperate in the dissemination and promotion of the Psychology course at UPT;
  • Promote lectures, workshops, debates and study visits that are considered relevant in the Psychology area;
  • Promote and support the initiatives that aim to foster employability for Psychology graduate students.


Bruno Pereira


Inês Moreira


Mateus Diniz


Carolina Barbosa

Assistant Secretary

Beatriz Rocha


Bruna Cabreira

1st Year Representative

Vânia Sofia

1st Year Representative

Beatriz Gonçalves

2nd Year Representative

João Miranda

2nd Year Representative

Mara Ribeiro

3rd Year Representative

Cíntia Silva

3rd Year Representative

Sónia Araújo

3rd Year Representative

Luana Novais

Masters Representative

Ariana Pinto

1st Year Vogal

Andreia Filipa

2nd Year Vogal

Ana Margarida

3rd Year Vogal

Ricardo Oliveira

3rd Year Vogal

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