Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Applied Training in Business Strategy and Organisational Innovation

Applications are open until 6 January for the Applied Training in Business Strategy and Organisational Innovation.

The course aims to enable participants to design and implement a strategy control system in a context of organisational innovation.

The training provides the design of a strategy control system using an organisational framework based on autonomous and agile teams.

This system assumes a fundamental importance in a competitive context with high levels of uncertainty, as it provides factual, rapid and consensual decision support, guaranteeing a clear and current strategic orientation.

The course has a practical nature, based on the implementation and discussion of a project to be carried out by each group, facilitating the application of the knowledge acquired in professional contexts.

In order to provide sharing of interesting experiences, depending on the number of candidates, classes will be organised in three types:

  • Director: Only managers with the equivalent level of Administrator, Manager or Director;
  • Senior: Only professionals over the age of 30;
  • Junior: Only professionals under the age of 30.

Further information here.

Applied Training in Business Strategy and Organisational Innovation
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