Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Frequently Asked Questions Erasmus IN

Perguntas Frequentes

  • Are there any orientation days? When?

    The welcome days take place some days before the starting of the bachelor’s classes of each semester (Autumn and Spring). The International Relations Office sends the programme and invitation, by email, prior to arrival.

  • Which are the typical dates of the academic calendar?

    Autumn semester bachelor’s classes: from the 2nd week of September to the 1st week of January

    Autumn semester bachelor’s exams: from the 2nd week of January to the middle of February (including re-sit exams)

    Autumn semester master’s classes: from the 2nd week of October to the 2nd week of February

    Autumn master’s exams: from the 2nd week of February to the 1st week of March (including re-sit exams)

     Spring semester bachelor’s classes: from the last week of February to the 3rd week of June

    Spring semester bachelor’s exams: from the 3rd week of June to the third week of July

    Spring semester master’s classes: from middle March to the beginning of July

    Spring semester master’s exams: from the 2nd week to the last week of July

  • How many ECTS do Erasmus students typically take at UPT?

    Students typically take 30 ECTS/semester and 60 ECTS/year. However, they may take less than that, along with home university’s guidelines. The maximum ECTS allowed at UPT are 45 per semester and 82 per year.

  • Where can I find the course catalogue?

    You may find it in the website www.upt.pt and in the Erasmus app. Get to know the syllabus of each course.

  • If the information about the course says “taught in Portuguese”, does it mean Erasmus students cannot attend that course?

    It means that there are no classes fully taught in English. However, students may attend the course through different ways: tutorial support by the teacher every week or every two weeks; participating in lab or practical classes held both in Portuguese and English; oriented readings… Assessment will be carried out in English as well. Romanic languages speaking students are highly recommended to attend the classes held in Portuguese.

  • Where can I find support if I have personal or academic problems (before, during and after mobility)?

    By contacting the Erasmus incoming coordinator: incomingstudents@upt.pt. Monday through Friday, from 9,30 to 12,30 am and from 2 to 5,30 pm.

  • Who should I contact with to get the approval of the learning agreement before mobility?

    With the Erasmus department coordinator at UPT. You will be informed about her/his contact in the welcome email, after your nomination. In case you are having difficulties in getting a response, ask for help to incomingstudents@upt.pt.

  • How can I manage my enrolment, weekly schedule, student ID card, at UPT?

    Once you are enrolled at UPT, by the Academic Office secretaria@upt.pt, along with your learning agreement, you will be receiving from them an email with the student’s ID number, for you to create your password.

    Then, you may login in at:  https://siupt.upt.pt  and find out the options, such as “class schedules”; student information”; “student card”… The SIUPT guide will be provided.

  • How can I change my first enrolment?

    First, you have to contact your home Erasmus coordinator and prepare the learning agreement-during mobility. As soon as it is signed by her/him and also by you, you should ask the UPT’s Erasmus department coordinator to sign.

    Then, forward it to incomingstudents@upt.pt. The academic office will then update the enrolment at SIUPT. The deadline for changing your enrolment is precisely one month after the first day of classes.

  • I would like to carry out a research project or write my master’s/PhD thesis. Is this possible and if so, how should I proceed?

    Find out with your home IRO whether you may apply by using a learning agreement for studies, with no ECTS assigned, or a learning agreement for training. Then, send the proposal to the Erasmus department coordinator at UPT. In case you are having difficulties in getting a response, ask for help to incomingstudents@upt.pt.

    The department will inform you whether you will be getting an informal or formal supervisor at UPT.

  • I would like to carry out a student mobility for placement. How should I proceed?

    Find out with your home IRO whether you may apply to a SMP. Send an email to incomingstudents@upt.pt well in advance the expected date for the starting of the internship, along with a CV and a motivation letter. The UPT’s IRO will forward both to the department to be evaluated.

  • What should I do if I have IT or technical issues?

    For laptop’s or mobile phone’s configuration, schedule an appointment at http://marcacoes.upt.pt/ .For other matters, please contact helpdesk@upt.pt .

  • What should I do before departing, at the end of mobility?

    You need to send the document of confirmation of stay filled with the dates of arrival and departure to incomingstudents@upt.pt. to be signed and stamped. If you need the hardcopy, you need to go to the IRO to pick it.

    You need also to inform if any grades are still pending to issue the transcript of records. The latter should be issued no later than 5 weeks after the last assessment’s moment at UPT.

    If you skip these last steps you are compromising your path as an Erasmus student!

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