Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Admission Procedures

Prior to their arriving to UPT, Incoming Students should send by e-mail the following documents:

  • one scanned photo (JPEG, PNG, with good resolution);
  • a copy of the transcript of academic records;
  • the identification card or passport number;
  • a copy of the European health card or other health insurance for non-European students;
  • the application form duly signed and stamped; (hand written won´t be allowed)

Application Form

The online learning agreement (OLA) should be filled by you and approved by your home University.

Please open the link and register yourself

In the OLA, you will be asked to fill the data about the receiving and the sending institution. As to the receiving university, UPT, you will be needing the data displayed below.

Receiving institution/Responsible Person: please check the person in charge (the Erasmus departmental coordinator) according to your field of studies at UPT. Please bear in mind that the IRO not the responsible person, only the contact one! If you consider the wrong person, your OLA cannot be signed/approved.

Name: Universidade Portucalense

Address: Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 541, 4200-072 Porto-Portugal

Erasmus ID code: PPORTO07

Name of the Erasmus Departmental Coordinator Contact Field of studies/ Degree Name of the Department

Fátima Castro Moreira



phone number: +351 225572134



Tiago Lopes


phone number: +351 225572134

International Relations


Emilia Simão


phone number: +351 225572134

Architecture and Urbanism/Multimedia and Arts

Architecture and Multimedia Gallaecia

Helena Albuquerque


phone number: +351 225572134

Tourism/Hospitality Management

Tourism, Heritage and Culture

Isabel Miguel


phone number: +351 225572134

Psychology/ Social Education

Psychology and Education

Isabel Seruca


phone number: +351 225572134

Information Technology/ Information systems for management/Informatics Engineering

Science and Technology

Mónica Azevedo


phone number: +351 225572134



Economics and Management

Susana Correia da Silva

Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinator

Receiving institution/Administrative Contact Person:
First Name: Susana

Last name: Correia da Silva

Position: Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinator

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