Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Célia Rodrigues – Testimonial

When I heard about the MBA, I decided to set myself a challenge, to “test” my learning skills in another area outside the “world” of work. Due to the fact that I started working very early, I started my journey unlike most people. First I worked, created companies, had children etc., now I felt the will and the need to validate and test my skills and capabilities acquired during three decades of working in SMEs, and invest in my personal development. It was undoubtedly the best experience I have had in recent years. It exceeded my expectations by far, as I learned things of extreme importance for the better functioning of my company. I met fantastic people who marked me in a very positive way for the rest of my personal and professional life (teachers and colleagues). I would like to sincerely express my “thank you” to the team of lecturers who were unbeatable in the way they helped me to achieve the goal I set myself.

CEO Gleba Têxteis Lda


Célia Rodrigues

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