Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Higher Education is an important step for any student. Taking this step with Portucalense University is to grow comfortably, with regard to study and learning conditions that, in turn, provide the skills and competences essential to the labour market. An excellent example of this is the Degree in Management, which presents an admirable curricular structure and organization, from the scope of the curricular units taught to the internship and approach to the labour world. With an enormous impact and relevance for the success of the course in question and, consequently, for the success and renown of Portucalense University, I could not fail to mention the great relationship between teachers and students that, undoubtedly, make the whole academic and developmental experience richer. As I am one of the privileged ones, I am extremely grateful to the whole community of Portucalense University for all that it has already helped me to achieve and for all that is yet to come.


Rui Amaral

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