Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Maria do Rosário Martins – testimonial

Portucalense University was the right choice, standing out for its prestige, academic excellence and focus on innovation, partly through the internship inserted in the curricular plan, which allows us to obtain a close relationship with the labour market that, as we know, is constantly growing and changing.
It is unanimous opinion that Management, at Portucalense University, offers us a wide range of knowledge, not only theoretical but also practical. Along with this, there are extracurricular activities that develop and improve our hard-skills and soft-skills.
In this sense, I strongly recommend Portucalense University, not only in terms of teaching, but also for its welcoming and familiar environment, which makes us feel at home. A thank you to this illustrious University for being part of my path! I feel that I have grown, that I have left part of myself and that I will take a lot from here to life.


Maria do Rosário Martins

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