Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Entrance Examinations 2022/2023

Bachelor in InformaticsMathematics A or Mathematics A and Physics and Chemistry
Bachelor in Information Systems applied to ManagementMathematics (16) or Economics (04)
Bachelor in EconomicsMathematics A or Mathematics A and Economics or Mathematics A and Portuguese
Bachelor in ManagementEconomics or Portuguese or Mathematics
Bachelor in LawPortuguese or History or Geography
Bachelor in International RelationsPortuguese or History or English
Bachelor in Law for SolicitorsPortuguese or History or Economics
Bachelor in Social EducationHistory or Geography or Portuguese
Bachelor in PsychologyHistory or Geography or Portuguese
Bachelor in Hospitality ManagementEconomics or Portuguese or Mathematics
Bachelor in TourismPortuguese or Geography or Economics
Bachelor in Computer EngineeringMathematics A or Mathematics A and Physics and Chemistry or Mathematics A and Portuguese
Bachelor in MarketingEconomics, Portuguese or Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences
Bachelor in Engineering and Industrial ManagementPhysics and Chemistry and Mathematics A
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