Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Carolina Costa – testimonial

I chose Tourism because I believe in the great potential that our country has as a tourist destination and in the great capacity of the Portuguese people to welcome tourists. Tourism is the future of Portugal and we, Tourism students of Portucalense University, are the future of Tourism. It is necessary to work hard and with dedication to be able to acquire skills in the world of work. In a sector as big as Tourism it is important to understand how everything works in practice, and this was possible thanks to the excellent teaching staff of the Department of Heritage and Culture Tourism of Portucalense University, who support and motivate us. They transmit us in the best way all their knowledge, share experiences and allow us to know a little of the Tourism “world” in the first person through educational visits, seminars and technical sessions.


Carolina Costa

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