Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Presentation DCT

The Department of Science and Technology (DCT) of the Universidade Portucalense (UPT), located in the Asprela campus in Porto, is recognized for the quality of its courses and the employability of its graduates, presenting a sustained training offer in computer science and information technology courses. The department has a qualified teaching staff with PhDs from reference universities, which introduces a dynamic and plurality of visions that enriches training and research. All its courses are accredited by A3ES (Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education).

The quality and professional and social relevance of the DCT’s training offer is translated into a high recognition by employers and comes from the quality and rigor of the students’ basic training in the areas of computer science and information technologies, contextualized in an environment that provides entrepreneurship and internationalization, namely through the Erasmus program and participation in international projects. The DCT also values the transfer of knowledge to society, encouraging active participation in the creation of new companies through the NET-UPT incubator and promoting the dissemination of knowledge through workshops, seminars and conferences.

Its research activity is aggregated in the multidisciplinary research centre REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies, highlighting its activity in carrying out research projects and publishing scientific articles in various media, namely international journals and scientific conferences.

The DCT has at its genesis the Department of Computer Science (1986), one of the pioneers in Portugal. The department was, is and will be an active participant in the creation and transmission of knowledge, fundamental and applied in one of the areas of science whose evolution is “vertiginous” and contributes a lot to other areas of knowledge, always in a constant perspective of innovation and sustained enrichment in all its areas of activity. The DCT also actively contributes to making studying or working at UPT a unique experience, where the academic environment provides a relaxed experience but with responsibility and a clear purpose, to contribute to the improvement and qualitative transformation of society.


Paulo Morais

Department of Science and Technology

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