Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

 Susana Pinto – Testimonial

School is a place of central importance for the development of our students and a privileged and influential place in the formation of citizens who are capable and well-adapted for life, being the pivot from which an entire civilisation develops. To this end, School Administration and Management requires leadership which includes multiple capacities and is fundamental to the good functioning of organisations, being necessary to identify problems, but also to have the aptitude and knowledge necessary to resolve them. This will be acquired by attending the Master’s Degree Course in Educational Administration and Management which stands out for the quality of teaching, in a motivating environment of positive reinforcement and support throughout all the stages of learning, allowing for the enhancement of previous skills and the acquisition of new skills essential for teachers who perform or intend to perform leadership roles in schools, or who wish to embark on the paths of research.


Susana Pinto

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