Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Ângela Alves – Testimonial

I chose the Social Education course at Portucalense University (UPT), because from an early age I know that I want to contribute to the life projects of more socially vulnerable groups. Our society needs to be more inclusive and equitable. It is important to fight stereotypes, create opportunities for all people, improve the quality of life of others, purposes inherent to the role of a Social Educator.
Attending the Social Education course at UPT is synonymous with great opportunities for volunteering, both national and international, carrying out internships from the 2nd year of the course, carrying out projects and a great alliance between Theory and Practice.
The excellent feedback from former students of Social Education at UPT was also one of the main reasons that led me to bet on Portucalense University as my first choice for my training. It is fascinating to feel that I will finish my degree with experiences in various contexts and interacting with various target audiences. My future at UPT is in great hands!


Ângela Alves

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