Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Maria Dias – Testimonial

I chose Portucalense University for the most practical and present reasons in the mind of every new student: distance, travelling, third party opinions. Sometimes we are lucky, this was one of those times. The Bachelor in Psychology, from the teachers to the contents taught, is everything we students could wish for. The teachers are empathetic, excellent professionals who live what they teach and teach what they live! They care about our interests, integrate our ideas, welcome us warmly and support us unconditionally.
The contents are diverse, integrating the interests and preferential areas of each one, encouraging us to make new choices for the future that is so important to us!
Effort is essential and we have to be prepared, but with the involvement of the whole institution, the training we acquire will be our best basis for success.


Maria Dias

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