Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

 Andreia Gouveia – Testimonial  

Our Master in Educational Administration and Management trains specialised staff capable of performing administrative and pedagogical functions that promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the educational institutions to which they belong. Knowledge is shared in a relaxed and close atmosphere that allows students to acquire knowledge in the field of school organisational theory and the administration of educational systems, based on their own experiences and life experiences. Based on the most recent research in the field of Educational Administration and Management, classes are organised so that students develop competences that allow them to analyse educational organisational structures and develop strategies for achieving objectives, communicating and applying different school management tools capable of meeting the most diverse challenges of the profession. Our students come to us because they want to be better professionals with more up-to-date knowledge, they want to progress in their career or they have ambitions to administer or manage an institution. Here we train competent and daring professionals, able to lead teams, carry out projects, do more, better and differently.


Andreia Gouveia

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