Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Alexandra Oliveira – Testimonial   

I entered the Universidade Portucalense to do my Degree in Social Education, with the ambition of doing a Master that would complement my basic training. The Master’s Degree I chose was in Education Sciences – Specialization in Education and Socio-community Intervention. I believe that this will open more doors in the future and broaden my skills and knowledge, thus accelerating the progression of my career. It has been very enriching and motivating, because in a certain way it makes us reflect critically about the world, share experiences and foster continuous learning. I am proud to have continued my journey in this institution and to continue to receive all the support from the teachers. The participation in Congresses and the preparation of papers for presentations in Congresses are an added value of this Masters, because not only do we research but we also have the opportunity to disseminate our work, incorporating ourselves in wider scientific circles. The best word I can find to define this academic path is Resilience! This competence is part of success and change, which is what I want to achieve in the world.


Alexandra Oliveira

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