Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Miguel Rodrigues – Testimonial

The Master in Digital Marketing and Business is an asset, as it responds to a market need. Currently the “traditional” marketing no longer fully satisfies the companies, because the digital era, offers numerous advantages and solutions. Through the course it is possible to explore this area of marketing, digital marketing, having contact with various tools for the blossoming and potentialization of the business. With this master you will acquire skills for the design and implementation of resources that allow combining the digital medium to the traditional dimension. The core of the course enables entry into the labor market with innovative capabilities in order to increase brand value online, because it is observed today that large companies are increasingly betting on digital for greater customer attraction and amplify their reputation.


Miguel Rodrigues


The Master in Digital Marketing and Business is an asset, as it responds to a market need. Currently the “traditional” marketing no longer fully satisfies the companies, because the digital era, offers numerous advantages and solutions. Through the course it is possible to explore this area of marketing, digital marketing, having contact with various tools for the blossoming and potentialization of the business. With this master you will acquire skills for the design and implementation of resources that allow combining the digital medium to the traditional dimension. The core of the course enables entry into the labor market with innovative capabilities in order to increase brand value online, because it is observed today that large companies are increasingly betting on digital for greater customer attraction and amplify their reputation.


Miguel Rodrigues

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