Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

João Lopes – Testimonials

Digital media and the way they have evolved throughout history have completely transformed the mediatization process and the way we relate, consume and share content, products and services. One of the direct consequences of this fact is the transformation that marketing and communication processes have undergone, due to the influence of these media and the power of the platforms that support them. In this master’s we learn to understand all this new pragadigm, and gain skills in marketing and communication processes, within the scope of online digital media.

João Miguel Lopes

João Miguel Lopes


Digital media and the way they have evolved throughout history have completely transformed the mediatization process and the way we relate, consume and share content, products and services. One of the direct consequences of this fact is the transformation that marketing and communication processes have undergone, due to the influence of these media and the power of the platforms that support them. In this master’s we learn to understand all this new pragadigm, and gain skills in marketing and communication processes, within the scope of online digital media.

João Miguel Lopes

João Miguel Lopes

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