Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

César Pinto – Testimonial

The Master of Marketing and Digital Business, came to meet the needs of a market increasingly ‘online’ and increasingly less ‘offline’. With this master we realize that the ‘marketing’ is increasingly closer to the digital, thus following the technological evolution occurring. This master instills new fundamental techniques, so that students can in future amplify the business of a brand, as well as expose content to enter the peculiar scope of the digital market.


César Pinto


The Master of Marketing and Digital Business, came to meet the needs of a market increasingly ‘online’ and increasingly less ‘offline’. With this master we realize that the ‘marketing’ is increasingly closer to the digital, thus following the technological evolution occurring. This master instills new fundamental techniques, so that students can in future amplify the business of a brand, as well as expose content to enter the peculiar scope of the digital market.


César Pinto

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