Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Cláudio Castendo – testimonial

Like most young people, I arrived at higher education with lots of projects and dreams, and to kick-start them I needed to have a tool to guide and position myself, and this tool is the degree in Economics. After finishing high school, I decided, after several researches, to enter Portucalense University, being my preference for it based on the fact that this institution is a national and international reference in education and research.
Currently, as a 2nd year student of the Economics course I can assure you that my choice was the right one, because here you live a great academic environment, there is an enormous mutual help and collaboration among the students, the curricular plan is very well done, the infrastructures and the teaching staff are excellent, and there is an immense availability provided by the teachers.
Another factor that attracted me to choose Portucalense University was that it is located in my hometown, Porto, which makes it easier for me to move between the university and my home.
After 2 years, I strongly recommend the UPT to all those who want to study Economics, I would make this choice again but with even more certainty than when I joined this faculty.


Cláudio Castendo

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