Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Health and Wellness


National Health Services

To find a health center where you can have an appointment with a physician, please consult the SNS-Serviço Nacional de Saúde  (use option in English) and search for Health care Providers  and then Primary Health care.
Select in Type the option Centro de Saúde. Then, select the District (Ex. Porto) and the Country (Ex. Porto, again).
Please note that only citizens with a CED (European health card) can attend these Units.

The first time you go to the health center, you will have to go through an administrative process of inserting your personal data into the platform.

For urgency episodes, these are the public hospitals of reference in Porto:
Hospital de São João
Hospital de Santo António

Other Health Services at affordable prices
Faculties of Dental Medicine
• University of Porto
Rua Dr. Manuel Pereira da Silva, 4200-393 Porto

• University Fernando Pessoa
Rua Carlos da Maia, 296, 4200-150 Porto

Psychological Support

The appointments with a UPT’s psychologist are free of charge and confidential. Scheduling is mandatory by email gae@upt.pt .You may get support on, among other matters, functional impairment, and psychological, emotional, or mental health issues.


The UPT canteen is open from Monday to Friday between 12 noon and 2.30pm. Lunch tickets can be purchased the day before or on the day of the visit. Every day the menu includes a meat dish, a fish dish and a vegetarian dish. The full meal, which costs approximately 5 euros, includes: soup, main course, dessert, bread, water or diluted juice. If you opt for just the main course + water or diluted juice you will pay around ¤3.

It is also possible to bring food from home and heat it in the microwaves available in the larger room of the canteen.

There are vending machines on floors 1 and 2, and a cafeteria on floor 2 where you can have soup, a sandwich and fruit, for example.

Keeping Fit

Across the street from the UPT building, 5 min. walk.


Opposite the S. João Hospital, 10 min. walk.


Next to the Faculty of Engineering, 15 min. walk.


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