Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Eusébio Machado – Testimonial

Our Master in Educational Administration and Management has been an excellent opportunity to train various educational agents, in particular teachers, to exercise the most varied functions in an increasingly complex area. The “administration and management” of education requires a profile with a high degree of specificity, because a manager in this area must be a pedagogical leader, a project leader, a people leader. This is the main hallmark that we give to our Master’s Degree. As a teacher, I always try to start from concrete realities and motivate our students to look at education from the theoretical tools we provide. My experience over the years has shown that our students are better able to reflect and investigate in their own work contexts – and this is surely the added value that any training aims for, as it is the basis for autonomy, initiative and vision.


Eusébio Machado

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