Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

The ongoing Bologna process has created conditions for development and innovation within universities that must be implemented and extended in their entirety. Aware of the needs imposed by the new higher education policies and the rapid and constant changes in society and in the labour world, we believe that the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture should follow good practices very closely and implement them with the utmost rigour. We are interested in training with quality and values, promoting creativity, critical spirit and many other competences that we believe people and professionals need.

In this context, we present the guidelines of the Department’s educational, scientific and cultural project, which are currently based on the following pillars: training quality, research, internationalisation and support to entrepreneurship. Our strong commitment is directed towards a joint work in Tourism and Hospitality Management, to which we associate heritage and culture as an added value and a differentiating note of our training offer.

We believe that, in fulfilling our objectives, imposed by our mission, we can contribute to the knowledge and development of Tourism, Heritage and Culture in Portugal, always bearing in mind the contemporary societal challenges.

Isabel Freitas

Department of Tourism, Heritage and CultureTurismo, Património e Cultura

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