Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Management and Economics Students’ Association

Who is Who

The Portucalense University Management and Economics Students’ Association is a non-profit association, representing the interests of Management and Economics students associated to the member associations/student nuclei, with purposes foreseen in its Statutes.

Our Mission

Our main mission as an association will be to increasingly approach and interact with all students of Management and Economics, asserting the importance of the course, responding to the needs demonstrated by students through our activities, seminars, workshops, volunteering and academic events. So that, effectively, they can complete the good training that our Management and Economics courses taught at the University Portucalense offer us, contributing to the personal, professional and academic growth of Management and Economics students, thus hoping that all students become able to follow the economic and business reality, which changes every day.



Rui Amaral


David Illig


Ângela Alves


Inês Coutinho


Beatriz Perestrelo


External Advisors

Inês Nascimento

Nuno Silva

José Ferreira

Gonçalo Araújo

Pedro Fonseca


Alexandre Moreira

Duarte Chorão

Inês Gonçalves

Inês Ribeiro

José Carreira

Manuel Junqueira

Nayra Maroni

Rui Silva

Tatiana Silva

Teresa Leite

Tiago Laja

Vicente Seixas

Sónia Miranda

Filipa Maia

Diogo Bessa

João Reis

Ricardo Matos

Rita Costa

João Gomes

Tiago Cardoso

Catarina Inácio

Joana Ribeiro

Gonçalo Ferreira

Yang Zhixiong

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