Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Ana Rita Ferreira – Testimonial

2016 was a year full of decisions. In fact, I couldn’t have made the best decision! I chose Portucalense University to graduate in the coming years. My first year, as a student of the Degree in Social Education, was enriching, since I had several offers and opportunities at my disposal. One of the opportunities was quite challenging, as I worked as a volunteer in a Refugee Reception Centre in Belgium. This experience was really motivating in personal and curricular terms, because I could apply several knowledge acquired during the first year of my degree. It is certain that I will apply to volunteer again and I appeal to everyone to participate in initiatives like this one. In my second year, I will do an internship at a Family Support and Parental Counselling Centre, where I will work with families in vulnerable situations. One of the reasons for choosing the course at this University was that it combines theory with practice. The truth is that I feel fulfilled here, as I am fulfilling my dream. This course was my first choice and I am even more motivated than on my first day. If you want to be an agent of social change, join us! We are a supportive group that will welcome you in the best possible way. I guarantee that you will leave this University with plenty of projects for life!


Ana Rita Ferreira

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