Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Inês Borges Oliveira – testimonial

Regarding my experience in the Psychology Degree of Portucalense University, I can say that it has been very positive, in several aspects. From the beginning, despite all the anxiety involved in entering higher education, I have felt very welcomed and integrated in this institution. First of all, the study plan includes curricular units that reflect several areas of Psychology, which expands the students’ interest. In addition, in general, the teachers are very accessible, both in terms of teaching the classes themselves and in terms of the relationship between them and the students. There is a great proximity and help from the teachers in relation to their students’ needs. I believe that within this institution and course, we essentially have room to grow and develop.
If I ever felt in doubt about the course I should choose, today I state with all certainty that I couldn’t have made a better choice. Psychology is everywhere.


Inês Borges Oliveira

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