Universidade Portucalense – Infante D. Henrique

Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique is a cooperative higher education and scientific research establishment

Rafaela Oliveira – Testimonial

Entering Higher Education is one of the most delicate moments of our lives, where countless feelings, choices and big decisions are mixed together.
My best decision was, without any hesitation, to choose the Degree in Management offered by Portucalense University due to its very complete and balanced curricular plan, both in the practical and theoretical component.
During the course, I can testify that there is a great relationship Teacher-Student, the teachers of Portucalense University showed a readiness and availability to clarify doubts. Furthermore, I was able to be part of a Student Body of the University, more specifically, the NEGE UPT, where there was a promotion of my soft-skills and hard-skills, in which I also had the opportunity to establish friendships for life.
As a finalist, I strongly recommend Portucalense University, because it presents a great quality in its teaching, an excellent and cosy academic environment.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude for the training, both personal and professional, given by Portucalense University.


Rafaela Oliveira

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